8- Battle With Captain Kuro

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8- Battle With Captain Kuro


Luffy was ready for a battle and I was going to help. He can't do it alone. Luffy's determination was my determination.

Then, "What was that?!" "What did he do?!" Rang out around the crew below. I guess they've never seen someone like Luffy. "It looked like his arm stretched!" No duh... "He sent Captain Kuro flying!" Indeed, he did fly backward. His glasses were broken and his face was bruised up and he was knocked out cold.

Then, out of no where, "THE USOPP PIRATES ARE HERE!" And the three kids ran out into the open brandishing random objects. One held a frying pan, another with a shovel, and the third had a bat. They then began to whack the crap out of Kurahdol who was still laying on the ground.

"You guys!" Usopp shouted.

"Stay away!" begged Kaya.

"Say your prayers, butt-ler!" The dark skinned kid shouted.

"It's punishment time!" Purple haired kid yelled.

"Lousy pirate! Disrupting this village!" The kid with glasses added in. They just kept hitting him over and over and I face palmed. Their gonna get hurt...

"S-stop!" Usopp pleaded. He didn't want them to get involved, and neither did I.

"Damn you!" The crew screamed. "Lousy brats! Who are you! Stop hurting Captain Kuro!"

"What're those runts doing?!" I heard Zoro ask.

"Stop that!" Usopp tried again. "You guys, stop... Stop it!" Finally, they stop hitting Kurahdol and were panting hard. He didn't have a whole lot of damage done to him. He just looked pissed.

"Alright!" They said. "We'll let you off with just that!"

"Now Captain Kuro is really mad!" Jango sounded scared. "Those stupid brats!"

"Captain!" The kids shouted as they ran to Usopp. "I knew it! You were fighting, Captain!"

"Why didn't you tell us?! That's unbare!" The dark kid chimed in. I really need to get names right...

"No!" I think his name is Tamanegi. "I think you mean unfair!"

"Who cares about that right now!" Usopp interrupted. "You guys just gotta get out of here! Run!"

"No!" Purple hair (Ninjin?) shouted.

"We're gonna fight too!" Dark skin kid (Piiman?) added.

"The Usopp Pirates will be shamed if we run!" Tamanegi piped up.

I squeaked and pointed to Kurahdol who was right behind the kids. They slowly turned around. Kuro pushed his glasses up and the rest of the glass fell out. I almost laughed my ass off when the kids let out a loud scream and their eyes turned snow white and their mouths hung down to the ground. I held it in though, for if I was in their place, I'd probably do the same thing...

"You idiots!" Usopp yelled over the kids. "Get out of here! Now!"

But Kurahdol did something completely different than slicing the kids to bits. He walked right past them right up to Usopp. I was too late to stop Kurahdol from kicking Usopp square in the face.

I bared my teeth at him. "You bastard!" I tackled him and we rolled end over end, his claws nicking both him and me a couple times. I ended up on top, pinning his arms down at the elbows. "How dare you do that?!" I took one hand and pounded it into his face. His lip split. "Never," punch. "Touch," punch. "An injured," punch. "Man! He has done nothing too terribly wrong to you! Just one punch!" punch punch punch. "Big deal! I'll give you a thousand punches!" Three more punches and I got off him.

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