6- Fight with the Meowban Brothers

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6- Fight with the Meowban Brothers

"Alright, they're going to attack from this shore at day break." Usopp explained as we hiked up the slope. "But the only route to the village is this slope. Everything else is cliff, making it harder to come through. In other words, if we defend this slope to the death, the village won't get attacked."

"Oh!" Luffy piped up. "That's easy!"

"Talking about it is, but the rest depends on our strength. What can you guys do?" He asked us.

I stiffened slightly. I can do many things, but they all involve my cat-like reflexes. "I use a katana." I decided to go with that.




"I can hide." Really Usopp...

"You're gonna fight!" We all yelled at him.

"I'm just kidding," Luffy had him in a head lock. "Geez..."


I watched as they poured the last of the oil onto the slope. "Tell me again why we're doing this?" I asked as I put the last of the pins in my hair.

"By doing this, they won't be able to climb the slope." Usopp explained. "With all this oil, they'll just be slipping all over the place!" Uh-huh... "We'll let them slip and slide on the slope, then beat the crap out of them while they flail about!"

"Oil, huh?" Nami walked to the edge of the spill. Zoro walked with her.

"No matter what, we will protect this slope!" He said with confidence.

"Conversely, lets just hope none of us slip down there." Nami said.

"Yeah, that would be bad..." I stood on the other side of Nami.

"It would be like diving into an ant-lion pit." She elaborated. Luffy slid his foot in the oil.

"I'm surprised you can think up stuff this cheeky!" Luffy added.

"But of course!" Usopp crossed his arms. "When it comes to cheekiness and slingshots, I'm utterly confident!" We all grinned at him.

Zoro suddenly looked out to the horizon. "It's almost day break. They'll be coming." The sun was just starting to barely rise above the horizon line. We stood there and waited for them to come as it got higher and brighter. A steady wind blew around us.

The sun rose, and there was still no sign of them. "Where are they?" Luffy asked in a whiny voice. I was sitting on the ground next to him, picking my nails. I'll have to cut them again... They're looking more like claws than nails now. "The sky's all bright now. What's the deal?!"

"Maybe they overslept or something?" Zoro offered.

"No, they're coming. Lots of them."

"Huh?" Nami pushed her hair from her ears and cupped them with her hands. "Say... Maybe it's just my imagination, but I hear 'Yaaah!' coming from somewhere." The boys looked around. My ears picked up on the sound instantly. "Yeah, I definately hear it."

"Hey, Usopp," He turned to me. "Is there another clear slope on this island? Anywhere at all?"

"N-now that you mention it..."

"What?" Zoro asked. "What is it?"

Usopp clutched his head. "There's a place just like this, to the north!" He began to shake slightly. "Y-you don't suppose..."

"You mean this is the wrong shore!" Luffy cried.

"This is where they had their secret meeting!" Usopp defended his reasoning. "So I just assumed..." Nami placed a hand to her head.

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