13~What Death Feels Like/Sanji Cooks for Us

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13~What Death Feels Like/Sanji Cooks for Us


Death feels strangly... Relaxing. I guess that's not the word. I don't feel like I have all of the world's pressures on my body. I feel... Free. Or, maybe I'm actually alive and just sleeping. Well, now would be a great time to wake up.

I opened my eyes to see a very enraged Luffy. I blinked. "Luffy? What's wrong?" He didn't answer, nor achknowledge me. "Lu~ffy!" I waved a hand in front of his face, but gasped. I saw right through my transparent hand. I instanly sat up and would have collided heads with Luffy if I didn't pass through him.

"What the hell is going on?!" I looked down at my ghost-like figure. I took many deep breaths, but found I couldn't. "Okay, okay, don't panic! You'll figure something out!" I glanced around and found my body laying on the ground next to Luffy. I looked extremely pale and bruised, and the bruises weren't healing. Blood was everywhere around me; in my hair, soaked into my clothes and on Luffy as well.

"Oh my God!!!!!!" I screamed. "I'm dead!! And a ghost!!!"

***A/N: The next few lines have been censored for your virgin eyes and imagination. You can thank me later. ;)***

Finally, I calmed down enough to asses the situation. All my ranting and freaking out caused me to miss a huge chunk of what was going on. Everyone had moved outside and was watching something. I peeked out a window and saw Sanji being clobbered by some guy with pearls on his body. Blood spurted out of his mouth and nose, but I didn't hear anything.

He must have cried out! That looked like it hurt! Wait, have I lost my sense of hearing?!?!


"Okay, calm down Mira," I ran my hand through my hair and caught sight of Zoro's bandana. I tried to drop it, but it just hung on me. I walked back over to my body and saw his real bandana clutched tightly in my grasp, but he was no where in sight.

I explored the restaurant and everywhere surrounding it, but didn't see anyone from my crew but Luffy. Did they all leave him behind? And since I'm "dead", they left me too?! At least give me a proper burial or something!

The restaurant suddenly shook, but I didn't feel it. I rushed back to the front and saw water raining down on a broken outdoor platform covered in burn spots. Okay, majorly confused.

I then saw Luffy turn and give Don Krieg the most hateful look I ever did see. He seemed to be shouting, given how wide his mouth was. But what was he saying? I would love to know more. But, I guess visuals are good.

Don Krieg laughed at him and said something. Wait, I missed other things. Pearl guy was down and Luffy was fighting Krieg while Sanji was on the side lines with the owner. So I guess it's Luffy vs Krieg. Dang. I wanted to face Krieg. He needs to pay for whatever he did to my father.

Okay, I realize that my father has been killed several times over; or it could be that there are many people who look like my father? Yeah, that's it. But then that leaves one question: Who really killed my father? Buggy? Kuro? Krieg? Well, I did get back at two of the three, so maybe third time's a charm? I don't know anymore...

Green and yellow striped darts flew through me, causing me to have holes that quickly filled up again.


I settled down again and saw Luffy pulling the darts from his skin. Ouch... Those look like they hurt. But he seemed unaffected by them. What a strong will.

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