23~ Trying to Understand Those Confusing Emotions

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23~ Trying to Understand Those Confusing Emotions


My eyes slowly opened and I found myself staring at the ceiling of my room. I yawned, then stretched, hoping to get the stiffness out of my joints. I held back a grimace. My ankle still hurts?!

"Stupid lightening..." I muttered as I sat up and rubbed at my ankle. "Stupid Buggy, stupid storm..."

"You're finally awake?" I looked up and found Zoro leaning against my wall near the door.

The words he said to me came back and I looked away. "Yeah, I am."

He stood up and walked over to me. "Does your ankle still hurt?" He knelt down by my feet.

I nodded. "Yeah. I don't know why. I'm thinking that when I got hit by that lightening strike, it must have messed up my metabolism or something. I should be completely healed by now!"

"Easy there, Mira." I met his gaze. "Don't get too worked up."

I smiled and rolled my eyes. "I didn't peg you as the caring type, Zoro." He didn't say anything. "Say, I have a question for you."

"Huh?" His eyebrow rose up a bit.

I chewed on my lower lip and looked away from him. "Did... did you really mean what you said yesterday?"

There was silence for a while. "I wasn't expecting the wind to suddenly pick up like that. I thought we could both make it and-"

"No," I cut him off. "Not that. About liking me." I didn't meet his eyes. I stared out my window.

"Oh," He sighed. "That. Yes, I guess I did."

This time, I did look at him. "But, I've heard you calling out for Kuina several times in your sleep. Who exactly is she, anyway?"

It was his turn to look away. "I don't want to talk about it. But, Mira. These... feelings I get around you, I can't exactly describe them. I don't know what to call it or how I should react. A great swordsman should be ready for anything and be prepared for anything that's thrown at him. But ever since I started traveling with you beside me, I don't know what to do, and I think it's starting to encroach on my quest."

I poked his nose and kept my finger there. "Don't let it. I'm not finished speaking," He shut his mouth. "I get weird feelings sometimes when I'm around you, too. They're foreign to me because I've never known what love or true happiness was."

"Now," I removed my finger. "You think these feelings are encroaching on your quest to be the greatest sowrdman ever, right?" He gave a single nod. "I won't force you to choose between these feelings and your quest. But, I suggest that you can try to incorporate them into one thing."

He snorted. "And how would I do that?"

I shrugged. "I don't know."

He face palmed. "And here I thought you were giving out good advice..."

I gasped and faked being hurt. "You fiend! I almost always give out good advice!"

"Almost?" He smirked atthe word.

I looked his straight in his eyes. "Nobody's perfect. I mean, just look at me. Abandoned, abused, treated like trash. We all have faults, and I eventually learned to embrace them." He opened his mouth to say something, but quickly shut it.



"You can leave now if you want." I cast my gaze out the window again. "I'll be up soon. Save some food for me, alright?" It was quiet in my room then. I only knew I was alone when I heard my door open then close once more.

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