When they hug you:Part 2

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•As long as it's in private, she can't let anyone see you two hugging

•But sometimes hugs you when she needs it

•And gives a quick peck on the cheek
•Like Carmilla, as long as it's in private

•He has a reputation to keep and he can only hug you if it's just you two

•But sometimes you hug him while others are looking and he can't help but blush
•Hugs you very VERY tightly

•Doesn't really let go at times

•Kisses you everywhere and you're completely covered in kisses
||Katie Killjoy||
•If she hugs you there is no way out cause she's gonna hug you as long as she wants

•If you try to leave she'll just squeeze you tight so you won't be able to leave her arms
||Tom Trench||
•Hugs you by the waist

•Kisses on the cheek and lips

•Never lets go till you let go

•Hugs each other for a few minutes that turn into hours
•You're hers and she's yours and you guys hug each other for a longgg time

•She'll hug you when she needs it or when you guys are sleeping
•Doesn't want to hug when he's doing experiments

•But when he fails to do an experiment he goes to you and hugs you then he starts to cry

•And you hold him like a little baby cause he's small

•When he finally calms down he starts to purr for some reason and he bites your arms very softly after crying

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