🖤🗡️Yandere Lute x Male!Reader 🗡️🖤

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Requested by: @EjDoggo123
You laid on the cold basement floor. Everything was pitch black and you couldn't see a think.
It had been 2 days since you've been in here. You were locked up in here because of Lute, she said that she's doing this for your safety.
But she's taking it too far.

You closed your eyes for a few minutes, till you heard a door open.
You opened your eyes to see Lute, walking down the stairs to you.
"Had fun down?" She asked coldly.

You didn't say anything to her and she ignored it. "You have been good for 2 days, so I think I'd be nice for once and give you some water" She said as she held a water bottle in her hand and gave it to you.

"You're sick!" You snarled at her.
Lute ignored that comment. "Drink!"

You drank the water and huffed. "You can do this, Lute! No matter how many times you do this, I will never love you" You said to her.

Lute didnt ignore this and slapped you across the face. "If you say that one more time, I'll leave you to fucking rot in this place!" She snapped.

You weren't scared, not anymore. "I don't care! As long as I don't have to see you anymore!" You growled at her.

"You're lucky, I'm being nice to you just this once" She pointed at you and gritted her teeth. "So be grateful for that"
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. "Whatever"

Lute huffed and stood up and looked down at you. "I'll leave the light on for you, but if you try to escape, I will leave you here to die"
And just like that she left you there all alone again.
Hope you love it 😊

I'm not that good at writing yandere stuff, but I'm learning 😁❤️

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