🕊️☁️Sera x Male!Archangel!Reader☁️🕊️

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Wasn't requested by anyone

Just made for fun since I hardly did any male!Reader x Character


"Don't talk to me, Sera!"
Emily hissed at her sister and flew out of the room as you entered seeing Emily fly away.

"Sera?" You said, looking at the highest seraphim with a sad expression on her face.

"Sera? Are you okay?" You asked her again.
"Y-Yes.....I'm fine" Sera nodded and sighed.
She walked to the window to see Emily fly somewhere else.

"What's wrong with Emily? Is she alright?" You approached next to Sera.
"I just need her to understand that I'm just doing this for Heaven"

What Sera meant was letting the extermination happen because of overpopulation in Hell.
Sera just wanted to protect Heaven, but she wanted to protect Emily and to see her be happy.

"Hey, you're doing your best, Sera" You told her as you held her hand in yours. "Just keep trying"

Sera blushed gold as you held her hand. But, she actually didn't mind and she kinda liked the affection you were giving to her.

"Thank you, Y/N" Sera smiled down at you. "You're a great person" She said as she bent down and gave you a kiss on the forehead~

You felt your cheeks warm up red. Sera noticed and chuckled. "Sorry about that, I didn't mean to make you flustered" She said, still chuckling.

You shook your and gave a nervous smile. "Uh n-no....it's alright-yeah...it's okay" You stuttered out many words and rubbed your cheek that still had blush on it.

'She's so beautiful~ I really want to feel her lips on me again~ They're so soft and warm~'
You thought to yourself as you kept your eyes on Sera.

Sera looked at you and chuckled nervously. "Umm Y/N? Are you okay? You look like you're daydreaming"

You snapped out of your thoughts and your attention went back to Sera. "Oh! Yeah, yeah, I'm okay!" You gave her an edgy smile.

"Oh, good" Sera sighed and smiled softly. "I have to go, I'll see you later probably, good-bye Y/N" Sera said her goodbyes and flew out of the room, leaving you there.

You sighed. "I wish I could tell you how much you actually mean to me"
You said to yourself.

I couldn't stop smiling while writing this 😊💜

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