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Angel: "Today is the day I get to poison my fat-ass boss" 😁
*Gives Kitty a glass of alcohol that has poison in it*

Angel: "I totally did not put poison in it"😁💅

Velvette: "VAL! VAL! I saw what you did, Angel!" 😠
*Runs to Val's room*

Vox: "You're in big trouble now" 😏

Velvette: "I told Val on you"💅💅💅

Angel: "Stupid little snitch"😠
*Walks into Val's room*

Val: "Angel~ come closer" 😠

Angel:*Walks closer to Val's bed*
"Okay so about-

Val: "SHUT YOUR FACE!!!"😡😡😡
*Drinks some alcohol*

Val: "Vox's set up cameras everywhere"

Angel: "I didn't-

Val: "YOU SLUT!!!"🤬
*Places alcohol down*

Val: "Next time you try to poison me your fluffy skittle-ass is gonna get killed" 😒

Val: "Your sister is a lot hotter than you" 😒💅

Angel: "Bitch! Don't you dare bring my sister up to th-

Val: "YOU HOE!!!"🤬💅

Sorry I had to do it <3



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