🍾♠️Husk x Fem!Reader♠️🍾

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Requested by: ST3LL40N_P4WZ

Husk pinned you to the bed, your clothes already on the floor and his clothes too.
His fur was fluffy and soft, he purred as you rubbed your hands on his soft chest.

"Don't worry, Mi Amor" He said softly. "I'll be gentle on you~"
You blushed red as Husk smoothly licked your chest and down to your stomach.

You moaned quietly, his tongue licking your sensitive parts.

Husk stopped and chuckled as he topped you.
He slowly put his member near your entrance.
He looked at you for permission and you nodded.

He slowly put his dick in you.
"Ngh~Ah~" You started to moan.
Husk smirked at what he was doing to his beautiful lady.
He started grunt slowly as he kept thrusting into you.

"Do I make you feel good, dear?~" He asked.
"Y-Yeah~" You replied, moaning at the end.

Husk smirked as he kept going.
He still kept going softly so he doesn't hurt you.

Every thrust he did was getting him closer and closer to cumming.
Your moan grew louder, Husk started to moan as well.

The both of you loved this feeling.
It felt good~

Husk did one more thrust and cummed inside of you.
He grunted and laid down as he held you in his arms.
"Was that....okay?"

You nodded slowly.
"Good girl"

You laid your head on Husk's chest as he kept breathing heavily.


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