Peppermint headcannons

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I've created some headcannons of my pookie-boi Peppermint since I can't find anything information of him so I made some

And quick note that I made these headcannons up, so I don't think any of them are true, but in my opinion they kinda sound true, but they're not actually true and you don't need to believe them cause I think Pep deserves to have more attention

-He hates it when you leave him without giving him a kiss

-He loves it when you hold his hand with your warm soft hand and he can't help but melt in the touch

-When you guys are watching a horror movie, Peppermint will hug you very tightly and shiver as he smothers his face on your neck

-He's a softie and a scaredy-cat

-Very ticklish

-Really REALLY sensitive

-Cry's very easily

-Tired of doing his job

-Always tired and depressed after doing work (Let my pookie have break)

-He loves you more than anything else

-Has depression and anxiety

-Secretly hates his boss

-Loves reading

-Doesn't get treated right at work

-Doesn't really cuss a lot

-A mama's boy (I think he is one☺️)

-Loves being kissed on the cheek

-His tail is very sensitive, but he lets you touch or pat his tail, cause you're the only one he trusts

-Purrs a lot when you kiss and touch him

-Loves seeing you laugh and smile, he think it's cute

-Doesn't trust anyone, but you


-Loves your hugs and soft touch

-He accepts for who you are

-Loves romantic movies

-Died by causing suicide

-A literal cutie💕

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