💖Angel dust x Reader🤍

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It was morning in hell and you were making breakfast for Angel. He was still sleeping after he had a long day at work yesterday and he's been really tired.

You turned your head around to see Angel holding Fat Nuggets in his lower arms.

"Good morning, Angel. Want some pancakes?"

"Oh, I don't really want to eat" He said as he sat down on the tables.
"Angel, you need to eat something" You sat on the table and looked at Angel with sadness.

"It's all because of work? Isn't it?" You asked Angel.
He sighed and put Fat Nuggets on the floor.
"Yeah....it is" He muttered. "I just feel so tired and depressed from everything"

You looked down and sighed. "How about you go back to bed? And I'll serve breakfast for you in bed, how about that?" You put a smile on your face.

"You don't need to do these things for me, babe" Angel slightly chuckled.

"Nonsense! You deserve to rest. Now go back to bed, now" You told him like a strict mum.

"Okay, whatever you say, hehe" He chuckled and went back to bed.

You put three pancakes on the plate and poured some syrup on them and put some strawberries on top.
Then you went to Angel's room to give it to him.
"Here Angel, eat up" You handed him the plate and he smiled.

"Thanks, Y/N" He thanked you and ate the pancakes.
Then you placed a kiss on his cheek and he paused for a second and started to blush.
"Awe babe, it's too early for this, why do you have to make me blush?"

"Cause I love you" You said.

"Why?" Angel said.

"J-Just-because I do!" You two laughed and cuddled each other and Fat Nuggets joined you guys for some cuddles.
Lazy oneshot 😪

I'm just tired I'll probably post tomorrow and maybe make some more scenarios and oneshots probably

Luv ya'll

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