OC: Maralin catch up

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Maralin is my Hazbin Hotel OC for those who don't know

•••••||When she hugs you||-She'll simply wrap her arms around your waist and rub her face on your neck•••••||Nicknames she calls you||-Dear/Dearie

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||When she hugs you||
-She'll simply wrap her arms around your waist and rub her face on your neck
||Nicknames she calls you||




-My (little) treat







||When she gets jealous||
-She trusts you

-Bit of it gets too touchy, she starts to rage

-Her eyes are full of envy and rage

-She'll place her hand on your waist and death glare at the demon you're talking too

-And when you're not around, she will kill that demon and eat their flesh
||Nicknames you call her||





-My muse


||Kissing spots||





||Would she cheat on you?||
-NOPE! I made her a loyal cannibal
||Things you do together||
-Hang out in Maralin's room

-Drink and eat while watching some movies together

-Cuddling up in bed with each other

-Reading books

-Shopping together

-Saying "hello" to everyone in cannibal town

-And pranking Susan, but she sees you two and try's to hit you guys with her stick
||When you say "~Oh, honey~"||
-Maralin will immediately start to blush from that word you said and she will say it back
||When you kiss her cheek||
-Will giggle and melt into your soft touch. Then kisses you back and the both of you laugh
||When you're not in bed||
-Confused on where you are and why you left her in bed by herself while it's dark out there
-Praises & rewards



-Clawing on your back


-Tastes your blood and says that it's delicious

-She's a darn TOP! And a switch

-Makes sure to not hurt you
||When you sit on her lap||
-When she's mad she will tell you to get off nicely, but if she's happy, she'll give you a massage and a kiss on the nose and cheek

🏩🖤|𝑯𝒂𝒛𝒃𝒊𝒏 𝑯𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒍 𝒔𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒔🖤🏩|𝑭𝒆𝒎!𝒀/𝑵Where stories live. Discover now