🎵☁️Dating Saint Peter headcannons☁️🎵

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-He flew over the entire city when you had the same feelings for him, actually he did

-Loves to hug you and kiss you

-He can get way to clingy with you

-He'll treat you like a princess or a queen

-Takes you out on many dates like going to restaurants, sitting on clouds, playing in the garden or fields of flowers

-He is really busy sometimes, but tries to make time with you

-He'll spy on you when you're picking flowers, playing with animals and children and sometimes singing

-He could listen to your voice for hours or maybe even years

-Loves to make you laugh and blush

-He can get jealous when you're not paying attention to him or when you're talking to someone that's more attractive than him

-Took a few months to confess his feelings to you

-He's the kind of angel that loves your hugs, kisses and affection

-He will stick up for you when someone is bullying you

-Nothing bad will happen to you on his watch

-He thinks you're really cute

-If you're crying, he'll pull you in his arms and cover you with his wings to keep you warm and safe and he'll let you cry on his shoulder for as long as you like

-Loves to play and tease you

-Loves making flower crowns and putting them on your head💐🌺🌷🌸🌹

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