❤️📻Human!Alastor x Fem!Reader📻❤️

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Requested by: LunajkaPotter

It was evening and a beautiful restaurant was open for lovely dates.
Alastor had asked you out for dinner and you said yes.
Al was sitting at a table, waiting for you. He was a bit nervous and he kept fiddling with his hands.

Al looked at the entrance, still waiting for you, but you weren't there, yet.
People kept giving him stares, wondering why he was sitting there alone.

Alastor ignored everyone, but he was losing a bit of patience, but he stayed.
As he was about to give up, you entered the restaurant wearing a beautiful dress.
Alastor felt his heart beating fast to see you and your beauty.
"Hello, Alastor" You waved as Al walked up to you.
"Y/N, my dear" He said. "My, you look beautiful, darling"

You smiled softly. "Thank you, Al"
Alastor put his arm out for you to hold.
"Shall we?"
You took his arm and nodded.
"We shall" You giggled.

The two of walked to the table.
Alastor pulled the chair for you to sit down.

You two sat there while there was just an awkward silence between you two.
"So.....Y/N..." Alastor sighed. "I..."
Alastor stopped and looked down at the table.

"What is it, Al?"
You asked, chuckling a bit.
Alastor didn't say anything, he just couldn't say what he wanted to say......to you.

"Y/N....we have known each other for quite some time and...I've been having this weird feeling...a feeling I never felt before, till I..."

He paused and looked at you. "Till I met you"

Your heart was beating fast and your cheeks turned red.
"W-What do you mean by that?" You asked.

"Y/N, I....love you" Alastor finally had the guts to say what he wanted to say to you.

You gave a quiet gasped and you felt your heart beat faster. "You...love me?"
You said.

Al blushed a bit slightly. "I guess I do"
You felt a huge smile on your face. "I love you too"
Alastor's eyes widened.
"You do...?"

"Yes, I do, every since I met you" You chuckled. "You are funny, kind and a gentleman, who wouldn't love you?"

The two of you smiled at each other after confessing their feelings for each other.


I love this oneshot

It's so romantic!!! EEEEEE!!!! I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!


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