When you're not in bed:Male edition

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-He will wake up to find you not in bed with him

-He's patient, so he'll wait for you to come back

-But if it takes too long he will simply teleport to you
||Angel dust||
-He'll start to panic


-He's afraid of being alone

-Hugs his pillow tightly
-Slowly opens his eyes to find you not in bed with him

Husk: "Kitty?! Y/N?"

-Then he finds you sleeping on a beanbag cause Husk has a habit of kicking his legs in his sleep and which he may have kicked you off the bed
||Sir Pentious||
-Starts to get anxious


-Has no idea where you are

-Hides under the bed

-Waits till you come back
-He'll simply just start to scream out your name
-Confused that you're not in bed with him

-When he finds you he grabs you and pulls you back in bed with him

-He'll let go in a few minutes or maybe hours or perhaps he'll never let you go
-He's calm about it

-But then he releases that he left many experiments everywhere and he's afraid you'll get hurt
-He doesn't care

-He has cameras everywhere so you're fine
-He literally doesn't give a crap about it

-Plus he's too lazy to look for you
-Wonders where you are

-Then he goes back to sleep

-He trusts you
||Tom Trench||
-When it's daytime he's fine

-But when it's night he gets scared and he has to hold on to you so you don't go anywhere
||Saint Peter||
-He's really afraid of the dark

-And when you come back to the room you find him under the bed shaking of fear
-He does not mind

-And that's all
-He starts to sweat and panic quickly

-Then he starts to scream out your name

-He's a scaredy-cat, of course

Peppermint: "Y/N? Y/N!!?!!!??!

Y/N: "Shoot! He's awake"

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