Welcome to town

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It's been a day since you met Charlie. She's given you a room and you accepted a job as the Hazbin Hotel's security guard,given your reputation and how many demons might target the hotel for whatever reason. You wake up to Niffty at the side of your bed.

Niffty: Oh,good! You're awake! Charlie told me to let you know she's gonna take you out for a tour of Pentagram city!

Y/n: O....Kay...

Niffty: Oh,and while you're gone,can I shine your blade?....with bug guts.

You giggle at her request,but shut her down

Y/n: No. I'm probably gonna need it for when we go into town. But when I get back, I'll let you use it.

Niffty smiles at the thought of the puny, pathetic insects getting obliterated by your blade.

Niffty: Thank you, Doomslayer!

She gives you a kiss on the cheek and rushes out of the room

You get out of bed,put your armor on and load your guns. You head downstairs to meet up with Charlie and Vaggie,whom are eating breakfast.

Charlie: Good morning, Doomslayer.

Vaggie: I...hope you had a good night.

Y/n: I did, actually. Haven't slept that good in.......wow...I.. can't even remember. Since I first joined the army? I don't know.

Vaggie: You were in the Army?

Y/n: Yes, Ma'am. Though I can't say I'm exactly proud of it.

Vaggie: I bet....

Charlie: Well,I hope that's all in the past,now c'mon. We got pancakes.

You grab a plate,get some pancakes, and take off your helmet, revealing your face.

Charlie: So,that's what you look like? (Thoughts: He's....kinda cute...)

Vaggie: Huh...figured you'd look...I don't know,more intimidating?

Y/n: Well,you know what they say about not judging a book by it's cover.

Charlie: So,Mr. Doomslayer; how about I show you around the hotel a bit more before we go into town?

Y/n: Sure,Chuck...dah!

Charlie giggles at the fact you just called her Chuck

Y/n: Sorry. It's just everybody calls you Charlie, and back home,some people refer to Charlie as Chuck. My bad.

Charlie: It's ok. I get it.

After eating breakfast, Charlie and Vaggie show you around,you see a small cat-like creature with one eye

After eating breakfast, Charlie and Vaggie show you around,you see a small cat-like creature with one eye

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Y/n: And who's this?

Charlie: This is my cat,KeeKee. She's also the Key to the hotel.

Y/n: Really? How does that work?

Her...Protector. Hazbin Hotel x Doomslayer reader Where stories live. Discover now