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It's been a couple of days since your stroll, and you're still trying to build up the courage. You then hear a knock at the door. Vaggie opens the door and enters the room.

Vaggie: Hey,Y/n... you ok?

Y/n: No....

Vaggie: You're still thinking about confessing?

Y/n: Yes. It's actually pretty funny; I kill demons that tower me with little hesitation, and yet I can't confess my feelings to a girl. Some scourge of hell I am.

Vaggie: don't be like that. Did you forget that I also have a secret that I'm too scared to tell her?

Y/n: No.

Vaggie: I know how you feel,but in your case,you shouldn't hesitate. As much as I hate the idea,there is a chance that she'll be taken from us,so if I were you,I'd use the time.

Y/n: You're right....

You take a deep breath

Y/n: Vaggie,I can do this!

Vaggie: That's the spirit!

Y/n: I am a man!

Vaggie: You are the man!

Y/n: I'm the Doomslayer!

Vaggie: You're the fucking Doomslayer!

Y/n: I am a confident man,who will confess to a Princess!

Vaggie: Yeah!

Y/n: So,what about you?

Vaggie: You mean about my past?

Y/n: Yeah. We should confess together.

Vaggie: ...... alright. Let's do this.

You give Vaggie a loving hug, and the 2 of you head towards Charlie's room, holding hands along the way. You find yourselves at the door and both take a deep breath.

Y/n: Let's do this.

Vaggie: Si.

You knock on the door and Charlie answers

Charlie: Hey...what's going on?

Vaggie: Babe. Y/n and I have something to tell you.

Charlie: What? Did Angel Dust ascend to heaven? Or Sir Pentious? Please tell me!

Y/n: No. It's not something like that.

You head inside and take a seat

Y/n: Charlie....I.....I...uh...

Vaggie: Go on.

Y/n: Charlie....this is hard for me to say,but.....damn...I....

Vaggie: *groans* Charlie,he likes you.

Y/n: ...yeah. Charlie,I fell for you the first time I met you. I didn't know at first, because it's something I never felt before. It was only until later on did I realize it. I love you, Charlie.

Charlie: That's......very good to know... actually,Y/n, I....kinda felt that way about you too...sorry,Vaggie.

Vaggie: It's ok. I heard you talking in your sleep.

Vaggie gives her a smirk, causing Charlie to blush.

Charlie: Yeah....I had some.... peculiar dreams about much as i like you,Y/n, I'm not gonna leave Vaggie for you.

Vaggie: Oh,he knows. That's why I thought that... maybe we could have him as a third wheel in our relationship?

Charlie blushes to the point her cheek spots become camouflaged with the rest of her face.

Charlie: You're....kidding right,Vaggie?

Vaggie: No. I don't want to break Y/n's heart, and me and him have quite a bit in common,so I thought maybe we can share him.

Charlie: Well...this is something...I don't know how my parents would react to this....

Y/n: uh.....n... was stupid to try and tell you. I should've just kept my mouth shut.

You get up to leave,but Charlie grabs your hand.

Charlie: Hey,don't think that. I'm happy that you confessed.  Now,come here and kiss your princess.

Charlie pulls you in and gives you a passionate kiss on the lips. After a few seconds,you break the kiss.

Charlie: How was that?

You didn't answer,but instead pulled her in for another kiss.

Vaggie: I'm guessing he liked it.

You and Charlie giggle at Vaggie's comment

Y/n: So,Vaggster. You gonna confess?

Vaggie: Yeah...I guess it's time.

Charlie: What is it, Vaggie?

Vaggie: Remember how we first met?

Charlie: Yeah. It was during an extermination,I found you injured in an alleyway.

Vaggie: Well...the thing is...I used to be an exorcist.

Charlie: What?

Vaggie: I used to be one of them. When I first came to heaven,Adam saw potential in me for his army,so I joined up. I didn't think much about the exterminations for the first few years,I figured that the demons in hell were just a shell of their humanity... then,I ran into a kid. I saw how frightened he was...but my commanding officer didn't take my mercy lightly; she cut off my wings and...well...she got my eye. You found me a little while after. I didn't tell you, because I didn't want to ruin our friendship,I didn't want you to think I was a spy or something trying to get you. I'm sorry for not being honest, Charlie.

Charlie: you are. Come here, Honey.

Vaggie: Really? You're not mad?

Charlie: No. I am disappointed that you didn't tell me sooner,but I forgive you.

Vaggie: Thanks,Babe.

Y/n: So... should we tell everyone?

Charlie: Of course.

Charlie and Vaggie give you a kiss on the cheek, and all 3 of you head to the lobby.

To be continued.....

So,guys. We finally did it! I'm not sure if this is satisfying for you guys,so let me know in the comments. If you guys don't like it, I'll remove it from canon and move the confession to a later chapter. Also,the reason I had Vaggie confess that she used to be an exorcist early is because i kinda wanted that reveal to backfire on Adam. Spoilers. Tomorrow our Internet should be back on, meaning I can rewatch the show to properly write the next chapter. Later!


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