Religion and mythology in the Brockverse

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So,this is just an off-hand thing. I'd like to discuss some of my version of mythology and religions in the Brockverse. The reason why is because this Hazbin Hotel story is set in the Brockverse,so I thought I'd do this to elaborate on some things.

First things first, Evolution's a thing in this universe,so regardless of your beliefs,that's part of my universe.

(Also note that not all of this will be in chronological order)

So,the origins of the gods begins an unquantifiable amount of time ago when the universe first began. The first beings to come into existence were an egg, and a group of cosmic beings. One of these beings named Lorkhan wanted to create a plain of existence and recruited 8 beings to aid in its creation; Akatosh,Mara,Arkay,Dibella,Kynareth,Julianos,Zenithar,and Stendarr. However,one being named Atom wanted to aid in the creation of what they would call "Mundus",but didn't exactly like their approach,so he basically went "Yeah,well,I'm gonna make my own plain of existence with black jack and hookers" so he took the egg and incubated it with the hope that it could assist him, and the egg hatched into Arceus. With his new companion,Atom went to a race of cosmic beings outside of the universe called the Celestialsapiens for assistance,and they decided to help with the condition that it'd be an entire self contained universe,which Atom agreed to. However,creating this universe would cost him his entire life, and because this universe wasn't more stable than Mundus,Atom asked Akatosh to have his son/incarnation Alduin to aid in recycling it at the end of each kalpa. When Atom died,his essence transformed into a gigantic stone,known simply as the Core. Over time, Arceus and his offspring began to shape the universe and began creating other gods to aid him. The Egyptian gods would originally find worship on Anur Khufos by an alien race known as the Thep Khufan.

On earth, during the time of the dinosaurs,a group of animals evolved and would later be known as dragons. By 66 million b.c.e. along with 70% of life on earth,most of the dragons would go extinct,but some managed to survive by various means,notably taking shelter in a large, cavernous space known as "The hidden world" some would survive the extinction on the surface, and would later travel into the hollow earth, becoming the dragon titans Ghidorah,Tiahmat, and Manda,some would end up in a separate dimension called simply "The dragon realm" and some would travel through a series of time portals called Anomalies and end up on another planet.

Around 2 million B.C.E,an off branch of chimpanzee relatives would adapt to the ever growing savannahs in Africa, and would evolve into the genus Australopithecus, and later on would evolve into the first human species,Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus. Both species would end up establishing a population on Primal Island,which is an island off of the cost of West Africa and Europe, and the populations on the mainland would eventually go extinct. Homo Erectus would spread out to Asia and Europe,evolving into the various homo species,such as Homo Floresiensis,Homo Denesova,Homo Neanderthalensis,and us,Homo Sapiens. As humanity began to advance,Many of the gods began their reins across the world. Approximately 6000 B.C.E,The Hebrew God, Yahweh, wanted to aid in humanity's advancement,so he created the Garden of Eden and created Adam and Lilith. Of course,you know what happened,so I won't elaborate much on that,moving on! Adam and Eve's children spread out and integrated with the rest of humanity,leading to cultural and agricultural advancement,however,Cain,the bastard son of Lucifer began to grow Jealous of his brother, Abel,as God enjoyed his animal sacrifices more than the fruits and vegetables that he offered,so one day,out if anger,Cain took Abel's favorite tool and killed him with it. After killing Abel,Cain quickly came to his senses and brought Abel's corpse to God with the hopes that he could resurrect him,which he did,only for Abel to kill Cain out of rage. God sensed that their brotherly bond had been shattered,so he cursed both of them; Cain can't be killed,but can still feel pain, the damage inflicted on him would be inflicted on his assailant,and the ground he treads on would become sterile. Abel's curse was that he would be granted super human strength, durability,and an endless supply of weapons for him to defend himself,however,he will have a nearly insatiable bloodlust,and if he dies,he will respawn in a mobile stone tomb. After these events,both brothers would go their separate ways.

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