Quality time

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You're in your room,polishing your shotgun. It's been a day since Lucifer visited the hotel, and you're all waiting for him to finish arranging the meeting with Heaven's council. Niffty enters your room.

Niffty: Doomslayer. Charlie needs to see you. Lucifer's back.

Y/n: Ok.

You head down to the lobby where Charlie is relaxing on the couch with Lucifer.

Charlie: Y/n! Come on,sit down. Me and Dad were catching up on things and I want you to join us.

Y/n: Alright. So, Lucifer,did you arrange the meeting?

Lucifer: Yeah. I'll let you know when they decide the date.

Y/n: Great.

Lucifer: So, Charlie told me about everything that happened...I'm still surprised that Earth was attacked...and you really did all those things? You killed the Hell Guardian,a giant cyborg demon, and a demon the size of a mountain?

Y/n: Yep. I also killed the Icon of Sin.

Lucifer: Now that's impressive! The icon of Sin was practically the first native to hell. It listened to nobody,not even me,so me and Lilith did what we could to keep it away from the city,we even had its brain exposed,so it could be vulnerable.

Y/n: That was you? Well,thanks for that.

Lucifer: No problem,Son.

Y/n: So,tell me about the exterminations,what started it all? If you don't mind me asking?

Lucifer: Oh... that's....well,it all happened back in the 1300s: one day,the head seraphim assembled a meeting with me and Lilith,she and Adam told me that Hell's population was overflowing, and that they needed to use these damned souls,so they asked me and Lil to allow Adam's army of exorcist angels to come down every year and kill as many as possible. I hated how sinners squandered their gift of free will on..well..sin,so I agreed. Lilith on the other hand seemed joyed to allow this to happen. It was pretty weird,she cared a lot for Hell,yet she was more than willing to agree to this. I never really asked her why, and with her absent for the past 7 years,I'll probably never get to.

Charlie: Oh,come on, Dad, don't say that. She'll come back someday... hopefully.

Y/n: You said they needed to use damned souls. Can you tell me why?

Lucifer: Argent Energy. She told me that they need to produce Argent Energy, and the exterminations were their means of producing it. She never really told me why,they don't harvest it,or anything! They just let it pool up. Some of it becomes materials,some becomes those eyes you see everywhere, and the rest....it either mutates sinners and demons into the monsters that invaded earth,or it all takes on a life of it's own,turning into growths of flesh and...more of those things.

Charlie: What? I mean,I knew Argent Energy created those demons,but I didn't know that Heaven intended for that. I just thought it was an unforeseen consequence.

Lucifer: Yeah. I wanted to ask why,but I don't think she'd tell me.

Y/n: Strange.

Lucifer: My best guess is that it's all Adam's plan. That he's still pissed that Lilith left him,so he created this to destroy and bastardize Hell and rub it in her face,but the fact that she's ok with this kicks my guess. Not to mention that they let those demons invade Earth. EARTH! I mean,it's not the first time demons have been there,but a full-scale invasion!? And nobody told me?

Y/n: Yeah.

Charlie: But why would Mom be ok with this?

Lucifer: I don't know....now that I think about it,she kinda changed before the meeting. One day,she went for a walk, and when she came back,she began to act differently. She's still herself,but she acted like...like...I don't know.

Her...Protector. Hazbin Hotel x Doomslayer reader Where stories live. Discover now