My thoughts on Hazbin Hotel

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So,I first heard of Hazbin Hotel when people started reposting clips from the pilot a few years back. I really didn't care much for it, because it just seemed like a series made for Emos,among other things. I heard about characters like Alastor and Valentino, and I just assumed that these characters were supposed to be Alistair Crowley and Saint Valentine (The guy valentine's day was named after) then when Helluva Boss came out,I got the shows confused up until recently. Then Hazbin Hotel came out on Amazon prime and everybody started talking about it. So in late March,I decided to watch the show after we got prime to watch the fallout TV show, and I surprisingly loved it. The characters were all excellent! Angel Dust reminds me a lot of Cait from Fallout 4,Adam definitely gives off Handsome Jack vibes, Charlie is an absolute sweetheart, Vaggie is the most relatable character in the show to me, Velvette is like a bitchy version of Rarity,which I absolutely love,and Valentino is an absolute scumbag that I love to hate,Emily is easily the best angel in heaven,Sera is a conflicting character that I do love and hate, and Lute is the epitomy of a bad bitch.

Now for the premise; I actually really liked the hotel as a concept, and it would seem like something Jesus would endorse,since that's supposed to be his whole schtick. (At least,that's the most common view of him.) The design of the angels is top notch! What can I say,I'm a stickler for mythical accuracy,so making the angels look like Ezekiel's wheel is a chef's kiss. I also really like this version of hell; Making hell basically the ghetto on steroids seems very fitting. One thing I kinda wished they did was expand on Heaven's hypocrisy,kinda like Morel Orel commented on how hypocritical your typical right wing Christians are. Now as for mythic accuracy,which is kinda pointless to discuss,I have some things to say. I really like that they made Lucifer and Satan 2 separate beings,as in actual Abrahamic mythology, Satan was more of an angel that tests the faith of mortals,along with being more abstract. (Satan in another context is simply the idea of immorality,not a being) Lucifer is more of a mix between an actual historical Hebrew tyrant (note that I've watched a lot of biblical scholar videos that have very different ideas,views, and interpretations,so I'm probably wrong about some details) Lilith is also not really a being from Abrahamic mythology,and was from the mythology of another culture that was adapted into being Lilith's first wife. (Most demons in Christianity are deities and characters from other cultures that were appropriated and altered) I liked that Lucifer giving Eve the fruit of knowledge out of selflessness is what got him banished. It really emphasizes the phrase "The road to hell is paved with good intentions".

Really,the only actual issue I had is that there's not a lot of filler episodes that could work to expand the universe and develop the characters,but hey,I enjoyed what we got.

Also,I just want to talk about my absolute favorite song, "You didn't know" to me,this song embodies my criticism towards Christianity,on how they claim to be the arbiters of"objective and absolute morality" yet when you look into the history of Christianity,or even Judaism and Islam,or just read the old testament, you'll see the absolute opposite, and that these people have perpetrated some of the darkest,most depraved and evil things humans could ever commit. And even nowadays,all that Christianity seems to be mainly focusing on is perpetuating pseudoscience and conspiracy theories that have all been debunked. Instead of being good for the sake of good, they'll just spew nonsense and hypocritical rhetoric and expect you to listen and obey without question, and if you do,these people will flip their lids! That's one of the 2 reasons why I left Christianity,the other reason being that as I studied it more,I just started seeing it as nothing but mythology,just like Chinese, Greek, and Aztec mythology; just as fantastic,as it is,a fantasy.

Also, for Christians who want to accuse this show of perpetuating satanism for things like depicting hell as a place full of "oppressed" people,need I remind you that a biblically accurate version of heaven would be a massive nudist colony in a church that praise God 24/7. So,if you came to this show for biblical accuracy,that's your fault. Not to mention that they do establish that a lot of characters are very much unapologetically Evil, and that there's hints of there being a primordial Evil that's just as much Hell's enemy as it is heaven's.

Anyways,that's all I have to say. I give Hazbin Hotel an 8/10 a very high 8!

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