The Battle for the hotel

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Over the past few weeks, you've been training, preparing for extermination day. The hotel is boarded up,the cannibals are armed and ready.

Charlie: I wish my mom was here to see this.

Vaggie: Seems like the cannibals are ready to fight...are we?

Y/n: I thought them everything I know. I even killed a couple to give some demonstrations.

Rosie: Don't worry about killing Jed and Tyler. Those 2 probably weren't gonna make it.

Carmilla: I hope you won't making me regret agreeing to this.

Y/n: Hey. I'm the Doomslayer. I have God's power coursing through my veins. We got this.

Carmilla: Still. I think you're gonna need this...

Carmilla opens up a box, revealing a recreation of your doomblade,but it's made to be left arm mounted.

Y/n: Gee,thanks, Carmilla.

You take the blade out and mount it to your left arm. You then begin to practice slashing with both arms.

Charlie: Oh, yeah! Here,Y/n,I picked this up for you in cannibal town.

Charlie then hands you a bracelet made with human teeth that have the letters written on them that spell your name.

Y/n: That's...morbid,but it's the thought that counts.

You give Charlie a kiss on the cheek

After Charlie hands Niffty a knife to stab angels with, Vaggie then addresses the troops.

Vaggie: Listen up,Sinners! We got 24 hours before the extermination begins. Let's get to work.

Vaggie then teaches them about the exorcists' weak points, Carmilla teaches them the best methods for striking them,You advance Sir Pentious' idea for a moat,but you turn it into a gas trench, and you load your guns up with ammo made from angelic steel,along with switching the teeth on your chainsaw.

After all the preparations, Charlie gives a speech

Charlie: I want to thank all of you for coming,even people who aren't staying here yet...Cherri.

Cherri: Look,I can't resist a fight,okay? Especially when I get to tag team with this fuckhead.

Charlie: Tomorrow,the exorcist angels will face a hell ready to defend itself and win.

Vaggie: Yeah!

Y/n: Damn straight!

Charlie: Yes! And we are going to win! But in case we don't,I want you all to know...that getting to know you has been the biggest honor of my life. Whatever redemption really means,I know you all have tried. I have seen the good in all of you,and it's ..I.. I'm just...I love you all,so much, and l..and live tonight however you want because-

Niffty: We're all gonna die! Hahahaha!

Y/n: Not on my watch...and Charlie,if you least I want you to die knowing that you'll be avenged... quickly.

Charlie: Thanks.

You all head inside and throw a party to celebrate the last possible day. You notice Niffty giving Alastor a crown made of dead bugs.

Niffty: I dub thee,King Roach.

Alastor: Oh,to understand that twisted little mind. Hahaha!

Y/n: The only thing that's missing for a king roach like you is a minigun, Alastor. Regardless,you look good in that.

Alastor: Well,thank you, Doomslayer.

Y/n: You know,I'm sorry for grabbing your neck the first day we met.

Her...Protector. Hazbin Hotel x Doomslayer reader Where stories live. Discover now