The fall of the Vees

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It's been a few weeks since Lilith's return, and she's been hanging around the hotel,learning about everything that's happened. A group of sinners have moved into the hotel, wishing to redeem themselves. You even gained some fans that want to train under your wing to be security guards.

At the Vees' headquarters, Velvette is packing her bags,which gains the attention of Vox and Valentino.

Vox: Uh...what are you doing?

Velvette: I'm....well...I'm...I'm thinking of checking in. This whole overlords thing was fun,but now that we know sinners can get into heaven, and since the exterminations are over,meaning your angel protection tech is useless,I'm thinking about joining the trend.

Valentino: Are you fucking serious? You're selling out? You're our fucking backbone.

Velvette: Yeah, and it's getting boring. I like clout,I like to put on shows,and I don't like you flipping your fucking lid and acting like a piss baby. You guys may be my friends,but I think it's time to move on.

Vox: Is it because you have the hots for the fucking Doomslayer? You're selling out because you want him, even though he threatened to kill you?!

Velvette: I will admit,I was acting like an entitled bitch-

Vox: Oh,dear God!

Velvette: and I want to make it up to him. I didn't think much about that hotel,but after seeing what they did,the fucking dedication,the fact that they got more than 1 overlord on board,I...I felt inspired. And besides, imagine the opportunities I could get in heaven.

Valentino: So, you're gonna abandon us?

Velvette: Not if you come with me,which I know damn well,you won't. You're perversion incarnate; there's almost no fetish you won't get into, and it's pretty fucking disgusting. And you,Vox, you're grudge with Alastor is pretty fucking pathetic. So,the guy doesn't like TV,why should you be pissy over that?

Vox: There's more to that, Velvette!

Velvette: What, Vox? What? Is because he wouldn't fuck you or something?

Vox: ........y.....yeah...

Velvette: Really?

Vox: It's a long story..... when I first showed up in hell,I didn't have much,but what I did have is my love for television and my skills at engineering. I started Vox-tek from selling handmade items and TV's,some sinners wanted to work with me, and I quickly became an overlord,using my gifts to experiment and advance my tech. When I became an overlord,I met Alastor. He and I had a lot in common, and we quickly became friends. Then Val came, and wanting my aid,I opened his porn studio and introduced him to Angel Dust,one of Hell's most famous prostitutes. Then,on valentine's day,I decided to confess my feelings to Alastor...he laughed in my face,said that he wasn't interested in men...or even women for that matter. He told me that even if he was interested,he wouldn't date a "fad fucker that dabbles in wastes of space and money like television." He told me that the stupid picture shows and serials were nothing compared to the radio plays he grew up loving,like Flash Gordon. can say I didn't take it very well...son of a bitch,now that I think about it, it's fucking pathetic! I mean,for Christ's sake, pentagram city blacked out over our bullshit! You know what? Fuck it! I'm coming with. Fuck Vox-tek! There's no use,now that my latest investment is DOA and all the customers are moving on.

Valentino: You gotta be fucking kidding me.

Vox: Yeah. I mean think about it; our goal was practically to conquer hell...that's fucking boring! Not to mention that sinners can't enter the other rings of hell,so yeah,if the other rings decided to take this ring over, we'd be fucked. I can't believe that It took me until now to realize how much bullshit this is. So, you coming,Val?

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