Snake Eyes Part 1

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Charlie paces back and forth, recapping the situation.

Charlie: Ok. So the extermination is in 6 months instead of a year. No big deal,just a little setback. Nothing we can't handle,just angels cutting our time table in half,but who needs a whole year to save souls,am I right? And next time, they'll cut it in half again, and again,but we'll just handle it,right?!

Vaggie grabs Charlie, and snaps her out of her episode

Vaggie: Yes..we will.

Angel Dust: Oh, please l,you had less than half a chance when you started all this salvation bullshit,and now...ain't no silver lining,toots.

Charlie: Sure there is,we just have to look a little harder for it.

Y/n: Exactly. Besides,worst case scenario,you guys still have me here to protect you. I took out one of them before, and I can take out dozens of not hundreds more.

Vaggie: Wait! You took out an exorcist?

Y/n: Yep. Barely a fight.

Vaggie looks at you with a hint of fear in her eyes,but she thinks to herself that she shouldn't be surprised if the Doomslayer committed such a feat.

Angel Dust: Regardless,all of Hell's going nuts over this. Look at what's happening in the doomsday district.

He shows video clips of demons rioting and panicking,but a notification catches Charlie's attention.

Charlie: What's a donkey show?

Y/n: You don't wanna know. The fact that you don't should be considered a blessing.

Charlie: Okay....

Vaggie: You know,when people panic like this,they often turn to a higher power...

You catch on to what she's saying

Y/n: Meaning that some people might want to come to the hotel in the hopes of redemption.

Charlie: That's true... it's the perfect opportunity to recruit sinners for the hotel! Vaggie, Doomslayer! I could kiss you both!

Vaggie: Save that kiss for later,babe.

You say nothing,as the idea of Charlie kissing you resonates in your mind.

Y/n:(Thoughts: Why am I feeling this way? Ever since I met her, I've been feeling strange.... could it be?,maybe?-)

You shake your head

Suddenly,the wall explodes. You all head out and see a massive airship,along with hearing a voice over a speaker.

???: Show yourself, Alastor! Come and face-

Whoever the captain is then spots Alastor chilling on a balcony,drinking coffee from a mug with "Oh Deer!" Printed on it.

???: Oh,there you are. Face my wrath!

Alastor: Who are you?

???: Who am I? Who am I? I am the great Sir Pentious l! Inventor,Architect of destruction, Villain extraordinaire!

Alastor takes the time to teleport to your group. Niffty appears behind Alastor.

Niffty: Ooh, he's a bad boy.

Y/n: Yeah,a bad boy that's gonna get his ass kicked.

You take out the BFG 9000 and take aim

You take out the BFG 9000 and take aim

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