Meeting Lucifer

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You wake up and head to the lobby,where you see everyone gathered around, watching Charlie pinning a bunch of papers to the wall like a conspiracy theorist.

Vaggie: Charlie? good?

Charlie: Nope,no! Not really! Haha! I've been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn't working. We've done trust falls, we've tried sharing our feelings, we only have a couple of months before the angels come!

Charlie begins to laugh insanely as she briefly turns into her demon form

Vaggie: Maybe it's time-

Charlie: No.

Vaggie: To ask-

Charlie: Don't say it.

Vaggie: Your dad.

Charlie groans

Vaggie: Charlie,I know you don't want to,but we need every advantage we can get.

Charlie: He let the exterminations happen to begin with. They just had a meeting and said "go ahead and kill everyone!". Wait! That's it.

Vaggie: Kill everyone?

Y/n/ Charlie: No.

Y/n: You go ahead,Chuck.

Charlie: Thanks, babe. He could get me a meeting with heaven.

Vaggie: Didn't we already try that?

Y/n: Yeah,with Adam,but we could speak with his superior. We could even meet up with God,or Jesus,or Somebody like that.

Charlie: Exactly. There's probably some angels who will listen.

Y/n: And if not; I can stop these at the source.

You load your shotgun and crack your neck

Vaggie: Oh,no, don't even think about going on a killing spree.

Y/n: I'm just saying. You two are my girlfriends now, and I'll kill God himself and all of heaven if one scratch gets on you girls! I'll make them all cry like little bitches as I skin them alive with their own teeth!

Everyone just gulps in fear as you say this

Sir Pentious: They don't call you the Doomslayer for nothing.

Y/n: Damn straight! And I waded through enough Pinkies and Imps to be a master at killing things with their own body parts.

Charlie: Oookay....I'll just call my dad.

Charlie takes out her phone and goes through her contacts to call Lucifer.

Y/n: So,how are your parents? I know, you said everything but,do you speak with your dad still?

Charlie: No,after he and Mom split up,he rarely ever wants anything to do with me. He calls,but only if he's bored or needs me to do something.

Y/n: I see.

Husk: Daddy issues.

You punch Husk, sending him flying into the bar.

Husk: Owww.....

Y/n: Don't run your mouth....*sighs* I kinda get how it is,Chuck. Before they died,I never really connected much with my parents. I mean,the circumstances are not really similar,but....uh.... I'll shut up.

Charlie just nods

Angel Dust: Well, anyways, I'd love to meet the big dick in charge.

Niffty: The ultimate bad boy,I bet he's scary.

Her...Protector. Hazbin Hotel x Doomslayer reader Where stories live. Discover now