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It's been 2 days since Sir Pentious joined the Hotel, and since then,you and him have gotten pretty close; he's very interested in your weapons and armor, and has even volunteered to make upgrades for them. You enter Charlie's room,wanting to talk to her.

Y/n: Charlie?

Charlie: Oh,hey,Y/n. What's up?

Y/n: Well....I was thinking of another activity we could do,aside from my Karma list idea.

Charlie: Same here. I gave everyone a piece of paper to write their lists on, and I haven't heard anything from them about it. So,I was thinking about having us go camping.

Y/n: Camping?

Charlie: Yeah. I thought everyone would grow closer to each other if they had to rely on each other for survival.

Y/n: That could work,not to mention some survival skills that I have.

Charlie: Great. Let's go prepare and tell everyone.

You packed up your gear; mainly your super Shotgun and Crucible. You head to the lobby and Charlie announces.

Charlie: Ok,everybody. Today,our activity will be a camping trip!

Sir Pentious: Camping? Interesting.

Angel Dust: Seriously? I don't have time on my phone,how am I gonna text Valentino?

Y/n: How about you give yourself a break from that dickhead?

Angel Dust: Whatever.

Vaggie: I don't think I've ever been camping before. I actually don't mind this.

Niffty: Yay! All the pathetic, woodland creatures I can slaughter!

Y/n: With energy like that, Niffty,you better make me a Davey Crockett hat.

Charlie: So, Alastor,what do you think?

Alastor: Oh,dear,I can't go. Someone's gonna have to keep an eye on the hotel while you're gone. Besides, I've had a less that pleasant experience in the forest.

Charlie: What about you,Husk?

Husk: As much as I'd like to say no,I Will admit that I can't stand standing at the bar doing nothing. Fuck it,I'm in.

Y/n: Great.

Charlie: Ok. We're going to be camping in the forest near the cannibal district,as they have the largest forest in hell.

Alastor: In that case, I'll go tell Rosie,just so none of her cannibals will try to hunt you.

Y/n: And if they do,you guys have me.


You all enter a clearing to set up camp

Charlie: Alright. This looks like the ideal spot.

Angel Dust: Great. We've been walking for an hour and a half.

Husk: I wish I brought some moonshine,so I can drown out the sound of you whining.

Vaggie: Alright,Babe. What's next?

Charlie: Me and Y/n: Will be setting the tents,Niffty,you go find some flint to make a fire.

Niffty: Yes! Let's burn down the woods!

Y/n: Everyone else,you go look for sticks and leaves that we can burn. Make sure they're brown,green leaves don't burn quickly.

Angel Dust: Leave it to me,I'm the master of getting wood.

Husk facepalms

Sir Pentious: I'll help find the flint.

Her...Protector. Hazbin Hotel x Doomslayer reader Where stories live. Discover now