Adam is NOT a hero.

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(Sharp inhale)

So, earlier today,I got into a debate with someone over Adam. The person I was debating(whom I won't reveal, because I'm not here to start drama) was dead set in their belief that Adam (and by extention,Lute) is a hero. So, here's something I'd like to ask you guys; is Adam a hero?

Here's my reason for why he isn't:

He's a misogynist

An egomaniac (The man even said he should be worshipped)

He acted unprofessional during several political meetings

Attempted to coerce Vaggie to sabotage Charlie's court hearing

Attempted to kill Charlie,which violates the agreement regarding the exterminations,meaning he is breaking the law.

His lieutenant maimed a fellow soldier because she wouldn't kill a child

Killing thousands of civilians

And on this note,I want to go on a tangent regarding the exterminations,the sinners, and why I am personally against them.

I really hate how whenever people try to defend the exterminations,they always resort to "ooh,but there are chomos, and serial killers,and Hitler" but I'd like to remind you who else would be in hell (depending on various views of sins) children that weren't baptized,petty criminals that resorted to commiting crimes to survive, people who subscribed to different religions,wood sculpters (as it's against the 10 commandments to carve idols,which basic animal sculptures technically count as) hell,the people of Cannibal town were probably the victims of a famine and resorted to eating each other to survive,all the people of Egypt that God killed,and if you want to get really fucking dark, possibly all Neuro divergent and LGBTQ people in history. (The former, because Neuro divergent people for centuries were killed by Christians and other religious groups because they were thought to be either possessed by demons,or the product of demons procreating with women, and obviously,you know the history of the ladder) Hell, considering the racist views puritans had about native Americans,all native Americans could be in hell. Granted,these are stretches,as these last  examples were the product of racist,ableist, and homophobic religious groups,but still. Considering the criteria for sinners that's existed throughout the history of Christianity, Judaism,Islam,etc  there might be a TON of sinners that clearly don't deserve to be there.

Also,don't try to twist these words and try to paint me as some bigot. These are not my personal beliefs, and being native American and Neuro divergent myself,I absolutely despise and reject these ideas, and I hope you do as well.

Anyways,I'm sorry for bitching, I'm bipolar as fuck,so whenever I get pissed off or I get into an argument,it just takes root in my brain for hours. Sorry I wasted your time,I just needed to blow off steam. Good evening,and I'd like to know your thoughts, and if you agree with my points against Adam?

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