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You, Charlie and Vaggie hit the floor of the hotel lobby.

Vaggie: Adam,you motherfucker!

Y/n: I can't believe that shit.

You notice Charlie is also angry,her horns growing out of her head.

Vaggie: Charlie?

Charlie: The exterminations...were all done for Evil....

Charlie walks towards the front door,but you stop her.

Y/n: Chuck,where are you going?

Charlie: Home. I'm shutting down the hotel.

Vaggie: Shutting down the hotel? Why?

Charlie: Because it no longer matters! Even if we prove that a sinner can be redeemed,that's not gonna stop the exterminations! I wanted to establish peace with heaven,but They won't accept it.....I'm a failure.

Charlie storms out,only for her to run into Angel Dust,Sir Pentious,Husk and Niffty.

Angel Dust: Hey, Charlie! How'd it g-

Charlie: Terrible! The hotel's finished,you can all go home.

Angel Dust: What?

Charlie: You heard me. Go home, drugs,have sex with anyone you want,I'm done!

Sir Pentious: Wait! What about redeeming ourselves?

Charlie: Forget about it! Even if it's possible, Heaven won't care. The exterminations are still going to happen. Sorry for wasting your time.

Angel Dust: Oh,no,no,no,no! You aren't giving up on us like that!

Charlie: Why not! I'm a failure! a loser,a princess that not even her subjects respect. Instead of letting you guys spend your time in hell,doing whatever the fuck you like,I wasted your time on trust exercises and other bullshit! I'm going home to the palace,I recommend living it up until the exorcists come.

Angel Dust: Charlie....

Sir Pentious: Princess....

Charlie walks to her limousine and Razzle and Dazzle enter the driver's seat to take her home. Angel Dust and the others then notice you and Vaggie exiting the hotel .

Angel Dust: What the hell happened?

Y/n: Long story.

Sir Pentious: What should we do?

Y/n: We're not gonna abandon this hotel,that's for damn sure.

Vaggie: Yeah. We're not gonna give up on Charlie's dream that easily.

Y/n: So,do you know where Charlie lives?

Vaggie: Yeah.

Y/n: Let's go.

As you head out to catch up on Charlie, Angel Dust and the others head into the Hotel. A portal opens up and Emily emerges with Y/n's super Shotgun,Daisy in her cage,along with Charlie's luggage.

Angel Dust: Uh,who are you?

Emily: I'm Emily. I'm a friend of Charlie and the others.

Husk: You mind telling us what the fuck happened?

Emily: Where to start? These exterminations,yeah, nobody in heaven,aside from Adam,the exorcists, and my big sister knew about them, and that they're doing this to allow an evil primordial being to enter our universe and conquer it.

Everyone just falls silent

Angel Dust: I'm sorry,what?


Her...Protector. Hazbin Hotel x Doomslayer reader Where stories live. Discover now