HH Yu-Gi-Oh decks

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So, because I'm getting back into Yu-Gi-Oh,I thought about what decks the characters of Hazbin Hotel would have,so here's my take:

Charlie would likely use a red eyes deck,mainly because it matches her color scheme, and I guess you could make the  stretch that her seeing the potential good in people matches the Red eyes black dragon as it represents potential.

Vaggie would likely use a lightsworn deck, because of her history as an angel.

Lucifer would definitely use a toon deck,due to its goofy aesthetic, and the fact that Lucifer is something of a toymaker.

Lilith and Adam would probably both use an amazoness deck. In Adam's case, it's because he would love to have a bunch of scantly clad women at his command, and Lilith is the first woman,so a feminine deck would make sense. Though, because of her demonic nature,she could use something like a phantasm deck.

Alastor would definitely use a malefic world deck,due to the shadow demons he has.

Sir Pentious would probably use a union deck,like the XYZ dragon cannon,but I can also see him use an ancient gear deck.

Emily would probably use a kuriboh deck

Let me know what decks you think they would use,along with decks for other characters.

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