The Walk

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It was a slow day at the Hotel. You were laying on your bed, thinking about how you'd confess to Charlie. It got so frustrating that you decided to go out and clear your head. You walk down the hall and see Vaggie.

Y/n: Hey,Vaggster. If Charlie asks,let her know I'm going for a walk.

Vaggie: Ok...any reason to give for why?

Y/n: I....(Whispers: I'm thinking about how I should confess to her,but I got nothing,so I'm gonna go clear my head.) Later.

Vaggie: Alright. Just be safe.

You exit the hotel and walk along the streets of Pentagram City. You'd think confessing your feelings would be easy,but you can't for the life of you think of a way.

Y/n: Damn it! Think,Y/n,think!

You notice a group of demons staring at you.

Y/n: ........Boo!

They run in fear, tripping over themselves like babes in the woods. You giggle to yourself and press on.

After a few minutes,you become more and more frustrated,unaware that you're about to bump into somebody until it's too late.

Y/n: Damn! Sorr-

You then realize that the person you ran into was Carmella Carmine. You also notice a black and green figure standing next to her

 You also notice a black and green figure standing next to her

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Y/n: Carmella. It's nice to see you again. Sorry for that,my mind was caught up with something.

Carmella: No problem, Doomslayer.

Y/n: And who may this be?

Carmella: This is my dear friend and fellow overlord, Zestial.

Y/n: Well, pleasure to meet you, Zestial.

Zestial: Likewise, Doomslayer. Thou has quite the record in Hell.

Y/n: Yeah. I'm guessing just about everybody in Hell has heard about me?

Carmella: Understatement of the decade.

Y/n: You know,I'm glad that I've ran into you.

Carmella: Is that so?

Y/n: Yeah. I was wondering if you'd be interested in having me as a customer. I don't have much money,but I'd let you look at my weapons. Maybe they'll give you some ideas for your own?

Carmella: Hmmm...perhaps. would you care to join us on our stroll?

Y/n: Sure.

And just like that,the 3 of you continue to walk

Y/n: So,how did you end up in Hell?

Carmella: That's....quite the really want to know?

Y/n: Sure.

Her...Protector. Hazbin Hotel x Doomslayer reader Where stories live. Discover now