New Status quo

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It's been a month since the exterminations were officially cancelled, and a lot has changed. God has allowed Winners from heaven to visit hell to see some of their loved ones.because of this, Angel Dust and Molly along with the rest of their family,have reconnected. The surviving exorcist angels,after some discipline,have been reassigned to guard the visiting winners from any would-be assailants. After learning that Sir Pentious ended up in heaven, Charlie couldn't be any happier. You're all sitting in the lobby, watching the news broadcast as Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench interview Sir Pentious.

 You're all sitting in the lobby, watching the news broadcast as Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench interview Sir Pentious

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Katie: Hi,I'm Katie Killjoy

Tom: And I'm Tom Tucker-i mean,Tom Trench.

Katie: And today, we're meeting with non other than the first ever redeemed soul,Sir Pentious!

Sir Pentious: Um...hello.

Katie: Tell us, Pentious,how does it feel?

Sir Pentious: Really great! I know that Charlie would be very proud of me!

Charlie: You know I am.

Tom: So, how did you redeem yourself?

Katie pours boiling hot coffee on Tom's crotch

Katie: I was the one asking questions, Tom.

Sir Pentious: Well...we were defending the hotel from the exorcists, and while Adam was fighting the Doomslayer,who is also one of my best friends,I decided to try and kill Adam myself to make sure he,the residents, and my girlfriend,Cherri Bomb,were all safe. From what God told me,the act of me sacrificing myself for my friends and lover is what redeemed me. God even brought back my egg Bois...or should I say,Bird Bois!

Frank flies in,now an anthropomorphic, short,peacock wearing a suit made from an egg shell.

Frank: We're so happy to be back with you, Boss!

Katie: That is fucking fantastic! You know,I was onboard with princess Morningstar's idea since day one!

Charlie: Yeah right,she laughed in my face.

Vaggie: Then you took her pen and called her a bitch.

Y/n: I wish I was there to see that. Yo, Adam! Popcorn!

Adam enters the lobby with a large bowl of popcorn

Adam: Yes, Sir. Here's your fucking popcorn.

Angel Dust: You know,I don't think I'll ever get used to Adam working for us now. I mean,the guy tried to kill us last month.

Charlie: Yes,but Granpa made him stay here to make up for all he's done.

Adam: This is so lame.

You smack Adam on the back of the head

Y/n: You're lame,now take a seat and watch with us.

Adam: *sighs* fine.

Charlie: I can't wait to see the new commercial you made.

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