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You, Charlie and Vaggie were setting up a banner to celebrate Sir Pentious' first week since he became a resident.

Charlie: I'm so happy that it's been a week since Sir Pentious joined the hotel.

Y/n: Agreed. He's really grown on me in the past week.

As you say that,Sir Pentious and his egg minions bring a cannon into the lobby.

Vaggie: What is that?

Sir Pentious: Good morning, purple female. This is my latest invention, The "Skin flayer 11,000". I look forward to shooting the other residents with it.

Charlie: What!? Why?

Sir Pentious: Everyone is being too nice. Obviously,it must be a lie. I can sense that they are planning to kill me,but when? How? I must be prepared.

The doors then open and 2 demon girls enter with crates full of gear.

Sir Pentious: Ooh,the new parts for my machine are here.

Sir Pentious: Ooh,the new parts for my machine are here

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Y/n: Excuse me, Ladies?

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Y/n: Excuse me, Ladies?

They both gasp as they notice you.

Demon in lab coat: Are you....the Doomslayer?

Y/n: Yes I am. Y/n L/n, pleasure to meet you both. I'm the sole security guard of this hotel. And sadly,I'm gonna have to take that equipment off of your hands.

Demon in black top: Ok,then.

You sign the paperwork and hand it back.

Y/n: So,who are you ladies?

Demon in Lab coat: I am Odette,and this is my sister,Clara. We work for our mother, Carmella Carmine. The biggest weapons dealer in hell.

Y/n: Really now? Well,tell your mother that I might be a potential customer.

Clara: We'll do that,Sir.

Both of them drop off the equipment and hastily exit the hotel.

Sir Pentious: Um...that is my equipment. I ordered it with my own money.

Her...Protector. Hazbin Hotel x Doomslayer reader Where stories live. Discover now