Snake Eyes Part 2

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You're all sitting near the fireplace as Charlie prepares you all for a new activity

Charlie: Now that we have a new resident,I think it's important that we all get to know each other more. So we're going to play a little game. Everyone, follow me. My name is Charlie*claps hands* I like to sing *claps hands* and when we get to know each other,it's the Greatest thing! *Claps hands*

She cues Sir Pentious to continue the rhythm

Sir Pentious: My name's Sir Pentious. *Claps hands* I like to build *claps hands* and despite my stupid egg bois,I think I'm very skilled! *Claps hands*

Charlie and sir Pentious then cue Angel Dust

Angel Dust: This is stupid.

Charlie: This isn't stupid *claps hands* it's just the game *claps hands* Sir Pentious did it,so now please try to do the same. *Claps hands*

Angel Dust: I'm too sober for this.

Vaggie: Well,get used to it and learn how to play. This is gonna be your whole day *claps hands*

Angel Dust: why not ha e the Doomslayer play with ya?

Charlie looks at you and gives the cue

Y/n: Oh,you know what? I don't think I told you guys my name before.

Charlie: You're right. You haven't actually introduced yourself. Well,what's your name?

Y/n: My name is Y/n L/n.

Charlie: That's...a great name!

You blush at her compliment and decide to give the thing a try

Y/n: My name is Y/n *claps hands* I'm skilled in a fight *claps hands* and like the dark knight?...I ...I got nothing. I'm not so good with the rhyming thing, not really. No.

Sir Pentious: Well,that's just fine, Mr. L/n.

Charlie: Yeah. At least you Gabe it a shot.

Timeskip because reasons!

Charlie tries a new exercise by roleplaying. Angel Dust is wearing a fedora and trench coat, roleplaying as a drug dealer, meanwhile,Sir Pentious is roleplaying as a stereotypical innocent kid wearing a sailor outfit and licking a lollipop.

Angel Dust: Oh,I'm a bad man on the streets who never got enough hugs. Now, where's an innocent kid I can sell crack to?....Wow. who wrote this?

Charlie: It's great,right?

You want to give her your criticism,but damn it,you don't want to break her heart after seeing how enthusiastic she is. Maybe you'll give her some writing pointers later,then again, you're not really Shakespeare yourself.

Charlie: Keep going.

Angel Dust: Hey you.

Sir Pentious: Who,me?

Angel Dust: Yeah. You look like a kid who could use some devil's dandruff. Oh,for fuck's sake!

Sir Pentious: Not me. I have to go home and study.

Angel Dust: Come on,kid, it'll make you cool like me.....the crack head.

You try your best to hold on your laughs

Y/n:  sorry.

Sir Pentious: The only cool thing here is to say no to drugs. Now,if you'll excuse me,I'm off to not have sexual intercourse before marriage!

Charlie: Yes! Oh,Bravo,bravo! Wow, Pentious,at this rate,you'll be redeemed in no time.

Y/n: (Thoughts: Ok. That's a little fucked up,since Sir Pentious is supposed to be roleplaying as a kid. Charlie really needs some writing assistance.) Nicely done,Snake Eyes.

Her...Protector. Hazbin Hotel x Doomslayer reader Where stories live. Discover now