Visit from 2 Overlords

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You're in the Lobby of the hotel doing jumping jacks. After all,you gotta limber up for the extermination. Alastor walks up to you and observes you.

Alastor: So,what's on your agenda for the day, Doomslayer?

Y/n: Nothing, really. Charlie is focusing on looking for new exercises,I'm just working out. Why don't you join me?

Alastor: I'm fine. I don't need to exercise.

Y/n: Ok,but when you get out of breath in an attack, don't say I didn't try to help you.

Alastor: Well, enjoy yourself.

Y/n: You know,Al. You and I never really spend time together,we should hang out. Maybe go to the ruins and kick some ass?

Alastor: I'll pass. No room for amateurs.

Y/n: Is that you or me? Because that definitely doesn't describe me.

Alastor doesn't respond,but instead walks away. You roll your eyes and start doing push ups. After a few minutes,you hear a knock at the door. You open it up and see a tall,grey skinned woman

 You open it up and see a tall,grey skinned woman

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Carmella: Hola, Doomslayer. I am Carmella Carmine. The finest weapons dealer in hell.

Y/n: Well, Mrs.Carmine, it's a pleasure to meet you. Please,come on in. You're a guest.

Carmella nods her head and comes inside

Y/n: So,why are you here? You thinking about becoming a resident and redeeming yourself? Or are you here to talk about me as a potential customer?

Carmella: Neither. I'm here to talk about the exorcist you killed.

Y/n: Yeah. I killed one. So?

Carmella: You do realize that by doing so,you put us all in danger,right?

Y/n: No...I never considered that.

Carmella: Well,you did. The overlords are now aware of what you done, and some now want you to aid in a rebellion against heaven when the extermination happens. I can't have that,so you need to leave.

Y/n: I'm afraid that's a no.

Carmella: Heaven isn't gonna take this lightly. We lost 16% of our population to this last extermination, and with this, there's gonna be far more deaths. I'm not asking for much,just the protection of my daughters; I'm begging you to leave Pentagram city.

Y/n: Listen, understand,lady,I'm not leaving. I believe in Charlie's cause,and I will defend it with my dying breath. If you want your daughters' protection...I don't know...I would tell you to send them here,so they might redeem themselves and go to heaven,but I'm not gonna put them in the one place, they're gonna target the most.

Carmella: Hmmm.. you're determined,loyal, and confident in your skills,but are also not willing to put others in danger...I respect those traits.

Y/n: Thanks. I know you don't believe in what Charlie is trying to do,but it's something worth fighting for. I'm not gonna leave, and if you try, you're gonna regret it. All the advice I can give you to protect your daughters is to just put them in a bunker and pray.

Carmella sighs, acknowledging that she cannot convince you to leave.

Carmella: How?

Y/n: Hmm?

Carmella: How did you kill the exorcist?

Y/n: With this.

You pull out the Crucible

Carmella: The crucible? This belonged to the leader of the exorcists. How did you get this?

Y/n: Found it. Apparently,he lost it.

Carmella: I see. Well,I apologize for wasting your time.

Y/n: It's fine. But remember; everyone under this Hotel's roof is under my protection. While, I don't want you or your family to put yourselves in danger by becoming residents,I do want what's best for your some extent. If you love your daughters,this place can give them something better.

Carmella: Thank you, Doomslayer. I might consider it.

Y/n: Be safe on extermination day.

Carmella: Likewise.

You wave her goodbye and close the door. Charlie enters the lobby.

Charlie: Who was that?

Y/n: Carmella Carmine. She wanted me to leave as she saw me as a threat, because I killed that Exorcist.

Charlie: Oh...she didn't threaten you,did she?

Y/n: No. She asked me politely. I told her that,if she wants what's best for her daughters,they can be residents here, and despite the potential dangers,she might consider it.

Charlie: That's great.

Y/n: Yeah. Though,I doubt it.

You both then hear a knock at the door

Y/n: I got it.

You open the door and see a girl with large twin tails

You open the door and see a girl with large twin tails

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Velvette: Hello. You're the Doomslayer,right?

Y/n: Yes,that's me.

Velvette: Well, love. My name's Velvette,one of the 3 vees, maybe you heard of me?

Y/n: Yeah....

Velvette: Well,I'm here to tell you that I'm in the market for a sexy,murder machine like yourself. So, what do you say,wanna go out with an overlord?

Y/n: No...

Velvette: What?

Y/n: I'm not interested in you, Velvette.

Velvette: Why? I'm a fucking overlord! I'm one of Hell's biggest influencers! How and why would you reject moi?

Y/n: Oh,I don't know...We just met, you're best friends with Valentino,who's on my shit list, and you push yourself way too much. I don't dig women that try too hard.

Charlie enters the conversation

Charlie: Hello, Velvette.

Velvette: Piss off,princess. This doesn't concern you.

You grab her by the neck

Y/n: Listen to me,you little bitch: you do not insult Charlie like that,you understand?

You drop her,but she slaps you.

Velvette: I'm motherfucking Velvette! I'll talk to anybody the way I want. And if you're not gonna go on a date with me,I'll make you-

You pull out your chainsaw and rev it up, intimidating her.

Velvette: ..... Nevermind! I'm sorry for wasting your time, Mister Doomslayer. Good day to you, Princess Morningstar! I'm getting the fuck out of here!

And just like that, Velvette takes off like a bullet in hell.

Charlie: Well...that was something...

Y/n: Yeah.....

To be continued.....

Her...Protector. Hazbin Hotel x Doomslayer reader Where stories live. Discover now