Welcome to Heaven part 2

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You look at the orb and see Niffty running at Valentino, Angel Dust manages to catch up to her,but Valentino notices them.

Valentino: (Note that he's still missing his gold tooth,so he sounds slightly off) Holy shit, Angel Dust? What are you doing here,baby? You didn't get enough dick today?

Angel Dust didn't answer. Valentino then notices Niffty.

Valentino: Who's this chiquita? You bringing me fresh meat?

Niffty snaps her jaws at him

Valentino: Oi!

Niffty: I just want a taste.

Valentino: Weird,but there's a kink for that,I'm sure.

Angel Dust: Fuck off,Val. You ain't getting her.

Valentino: Says who?

Angel Dust: Says me. I may have to put up with your bullshit,but nobody is gonna be a victim of yours,as long as I'm around.

Valentino: You forget who you're talking to? I own you,bitch.

Angel Dust: You may own my soul,you may own my body,but you don't own my mind. And did you forget who you're talking to? I'm Anthony! I'm the first resident of the Hazbin Hotel, and that means I'm under the Doomslayer's protection. And I'm pretty fucking sure you remember what he did to you. So,if you fuck with me or my friends, it'll be the worst mistake of your quickly shortened afterlife! So you owning me doesn't mean dick to me anymore!

Valentino: Well, from what I've heard, he's currently away right now.

Valentino then bitch slaps Angel Dust to the floor

Valentino: Meaning that I'm going to put the fear of me back into you while I can.

Cherri Bomb and Husk then run up to Valentino

Cherri: Hey,fuck you,man! You may be some fucking overlord,but I'll blow you to shit,if you fuck with my best friend!

Husk: Need I remind you that I used to be an overlord? *Draws razor cards* I can show you how much it hurts to lose that status...along with losing your balls.

Angel Dust: Sorry,Husk,but I think Y/n beat you to it. Ha!

Valentino: Don't you-....fuck it! I don't have time for this! Later,bitch.

Angel Dust: It was worth it.

Niffty jumps onto Valentino and rips off a piece of him

Valentino: Ow! What the fuck?!

Niffty: Hehehe for my collection. Hehe! Wait up,guys!

Cherri: You good,Angie?

Angel Dust: Yeah,I'm good. Especially when you guys backed me up. You're real pals,you know that?

Cherri: Yeah,I know.

Husk: After all these months,you really grew on me.

Cherri: So,the Doomslayer guy really helped you out?

Angel Dust: Yeah. The guy.... he's inspiring. He made me realize that there is a light at the end,as cliche as that sounds. I know he'd be proud of me, and you guys.

Cherri: Well I think this calls for another celebration!

Y/n: I'm proud of you, Anthony.

Charlie: See! Have did everything on your checklist! He was selfless,he stopped Niffty from stealing, and he stuck it to that Moth-man!

Adam: Uh....well,uh...Then,then why isn't he here then? Hmm?

Emily: Yeah,why isn't he here?

The council murmurs, questioning each other on the matter

Her...Protector. Hazbin Hotel x Doomslayer reader Where stories live. Discover now