Welcome to Heaven part 1

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The day has come,you have your gear packed for the meeting with Heaven's council. You sit beside Vaggie while Charlie finishes packing.

Charlie: Okay. I have my warm weather clothes,and my cold weather clothes. I have a light jacket,flak jacket,and a rain jacket.

Y/n: Hmph. Flak jacket. I love her style.

Charlie: Wait. Does it rain in heaven?

Vaggie: Charlie, we're only going to heaven for a few hours.

Charlie: Vaggie,we are going to heaven for a day,and I just want to be prepared.

Y/n: Besides,if things go greater than expected,we could end up spending the night there.

Charlie: Exactly! This is our last chance to convince heaven that a soul can be redeemed.

Vaggie: Yeah. I wish I could come..

Charlie: Why? Is it because you used to be an exorcist?

Vaggie: Yeah. I don't think they'll be thrilled to have a "traitor" walking around.

Y/n: Well,tough tits for them. You're coming.

Charlie: Yeah. I...we couldn't and wouldn't do this Without you.

Vaggie: *takes deep breath* ok. I'll go.

Charlie: Great. I packed some clothes for you just in case.


Angel dust enters the lobby, slightly exhausted,but chipper.

Angel Dust: I'm home, everyone.

Niffty pops out from a vase

Niffty: You seem happy,what's up?

Angel Dust: Nothing much,just Val is going pretty easy on me after Y/n beat his ass.now that my shift is over,I'm just gonna chill, and watch some TV.

The wall explodes as Angel Dust gets on the couch

Angel Dust: Oh! What the fuck!

The smoke clears to reveal a cyclops girl with red hair, and tattoos

The smoke clears to reveal a cyclops girl with red hair, and tattoos

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Girl: What up,hoes!? Hahaha!

Angel Dust: Cherri Bomb? Long time no see,baby!

Cherri Bomb: Angie,you bitch! You've been texting me good shit all day, figured we could tear some shit up to celebrate.

Angel Dust: Sure thing! It's been a damn long time.

Charlie: Um...hello! I'm Charlie. It's nice to meet one of Angel's friends. He never brings anyone around. Anyways,since everyone here has been working hard, and me and my partners are going to a very important meeting,I think they all deserve to have a little fun.

Cherri Bomb: They?

Charlie: Yeah. Hey, everyone! Angel and his friend are taking you guys for a night of fun and relaxation!

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