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It's been a few weeks since you were visited by Carmella and Velvette. You and the others are sitting in the lobby, watching a porno that Angel Dust starred in.

Angel Dust: You know,this performance won me a sex-x-x-i award.

Charlie: It's,uh....very... honest?...oh..

Vaggie: Ew.

Y/n: Yeah...

Vaggie: Ok. Enough of that. Angel,what the fuck?

Angel Dust: What?! You said it was "Show n' tell" day. I'm showing you my best film,and I'm telling you that it scored me a win over that bitch, Tiffany Titfucker.

Husk: You know,not a very convincing interrogation scene.

Y/n: It's a porno,dude. I don't think people watch this stuff for the acting.

Angel Dust: You two think you got the right to insult my work to my face?

Husk: You really gonna sit there and act like these scripts ain't hot garbage?

Y/n: Yeah.

Angel Dust: Fuck you guys. This is classy art.

Y/n: If you say so, it's not my cup of tea.

Husk: That's bullshit. You get drunk and bitch about them all the time. Everyone likes to bitch to the bartender. I know everything about you and these motherfuckers at this point.

Husk points at Sir Pentious

Husk: That one is an insecure buffoon who's lonely ass watches you idiots sleep.

Husk points at Charlie

Husk: Princess,is a bleeding heart who wants to solve everybody else's problems except her own.

Charlie: What?! No,I..what?..no...

Husk points to Vaggie

Husk: This one judges everyone and everything because she hates herself.

Husk points at you

Husk: That asshole is a retarted sociopath that only cares about this place because he has a-

You draw your shotgun and fire a warning shot, interrupting him.

Y/n: Don't...say that word again...(Thoughts: Damn it, Husk! You nearly told her before I could confess)

Husk: Pfft! Fine! I don't have time for this.

Angel Dust's phone begins to ring

Angel Dust: Hello? Uh,yeah I'm...I'm..no,no,I just,I..no,i-im not..but,uh..yeah, I'll be right there. Well,uh,looks like Val needs me for an.. emergency shoot.

Y/n: You sure that he needs you? Or does he want you there?

Angel Dust: Oh,he needs me. He always needs me.

Charlie: Angel! You can't leave yet. We haven't finished our exercises for the day.

Y/n: Yeah. And I don't want you hanging around Valentino.

Angel Dust: I'm sure you'll manage without me, and you don't have to worry. I'm my own man,I make my decisions.

Y/n: Yeah,but that won't stop a guy from saving someone from suicide.

Charlie: Please. There isn't much time left for the hotel to improve itself.

Angel Dust: Dollface. It's my job. I know you want to fix everything,but unless you can fix my boss, there's nothing you can do.

Angel Dust exits the hotel

Charlie: Uuugh,why is this so hard?

Y/n: Some things are. I remember a scene from a movie where a guy said something I took to heart. "The more difficult something became,theore rewarding it is in the end".

Her...Protector. Hazbin Hotel x Doomslayer reader Where stories live. Discover now