chapter 2

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My mom was serving me breakfast and my father and hyung were talking about the business . Yes my appa is a very hard working " Ceo of Kim corps " and he is very strict towards his work .

My "YOONGI HYUNG is working very hard so that our company remain on top just like how appa maintained it . but due to appa age hyung doesn't want appa to work and take stress so he is doing everything and appa wants yoongi hyung to take head alpha position so that he can relax ."

" Chan hyung is also working hard with yoongi hyung so hyung doesn't feel burden"

" I feel very proud of my appa ,and hyung they are the best . While I was eating my breakfast I heard it the name I hate the most . my appa and hyung were talking about him and I just feel numb hearing his name but anger and pain starts to fill in me but I control myself ."

"My hyung suddenly realized and turn his head to see me but I just smile to him and eat my pancake my mom serve . "

" All eyes on me just to know my reaction and it hurts me but I ignore it and continue eating .my eyes started to teared but I blink them away . The question the ask I been knowing that the ask ."

" Bear are you alright . I am sorry I just........"

Before he could say something I just shut him with another question asking " hyungie aren't you getting late for office ." He knows I am in pain ,even Chan hyungie knows he been staring me from the very start of the conversation ,but yoongi hyung shrugged it and said .

"OH, yea we are getting late , come we will drop you at your company . Come "

I said "okay I will come after changing my clothes ."

After that I just stood up from chair and go to my room . My mom trying to glare at my hyungs and appa. After I came to my room I just cried my eyes out with putting my hands on my mouth so that the sound of whimpers not get to my family .and that day I remind myself how I hate him so much that day again .

After crying I change my clothes and do little make up so I can hide me swell eyes .
Then I look myself in the mirror last time and started going downstairs to go for my company .

Yes I work as a model under "bighit company ". I have to go for my regular life so that my parents and hyung doesn't worry for me. I don't want to remind my self that I Am weak and pathetic instead I want to show every body that I Am not weak if I am an omega or I don't need any alpha .

I towards my hyung and Chan hyung open the door of the car for me .I sat at the back seat and my two hyung at the front seat .

And we arrived at my company ..................

Hope you like the second chapter .

Please ignore mistakes .

Other characters will introduce soon .

See you in next chapter ,hope you like it and
tell me mistakes.

Bye 👋

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