chapter 30

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Today is the day , Taehyung was waiting for like so long .

Yes ,it's his birthday and he is more happy , excited about his kookie hyung coming than his own birthday.

And he still is waiting for his kookie hyung to come soon because he don't want to cut his cake without them . He is little sad that jungkook would not be staying here longer because his university didn't approve for his leave cause of his exam so he is coming here for only one day just to attend tae's birthday.

Tae is excited as well as restless because he want to see the alpha soon . His eyes were always on the front door of the house wanting to see the alpha desperately . Tae want jungkook to come before the clock hit 12 o'clock. So he could inhale and feel the mate bond between them.

He was waiting ,today his appa didn't go to receive jungkook because he said he will come there own his own . He was in his own thoughts when his parents tell him to cut the cake because they got a call from jungkook that he might come late .

He want to wait for him but he didn't want to disrespect his parents infront of he nodded his head to them and ready to cut the cake . He see the clock and saw there is only 5 minutes left for the the clock to struck 12 o clock .

He was desperately wishing to for jungkook to come but his all hopes goes in water when his father told him to cut the cake . He somehow pouting started to cut the cake.

There he cut the cake and on the other side jungkook enter the room while running , the clock struck 12 o clock and there Tae inhale the scent of his mate .


After appa told me to cut the cake , I cut the cake feeling sad but suddenly it hit me that strong smell of wet mud and a little bit of vanilla in it . I started to look from where it is coming and I saw him smirking at me while walk towards him .

I was walking towards him when I heard my omega saying in my mind MATE and the feeling I got from that word made me feel different emotions . I hugged kookie hyung . I want kookie hyung to scent me ,I want him to mark me there and I might expect from him to mark me there but he didn't ,it made me confuse but that time I didn't said anything because my mind started to cloud with my mate's scent .

He calm me down and the whole night I was just clinging to him , wanting him to scent me again and again. He was patiently giving me his attention . My while family was happy . That night my family didn't stop me from sleeping with my mate because they know how necessary it is for me to get close to the alpha . When we enter my room the first thing I felt was soft lips crashing against mine.

The feeling of alphas lips on mine as my mate for the first time it feel ecstatic.


Both jungkook and tae enter his room already blushing , before it was different but now with those emotions he was feeling he don't know how to face the alpha .

He lock the door and turned towards the alpha but got pinned by the alpha to the door with alpha holding his waist tightly and crashing his lips with him .

Making taehyung heartbeats fasten, he didn't know what he should do he just still stood there not knowing what to do which made the alpha tsked at it . He look at the omega looking at him cluelessly with heavy breathing .

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