chapter 28

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In Taehyung's room,

It's a promise to you never leave you and love you forever ..................would you promise me that you would never replace it .

Said jungkook to taehyung who look at junkooks eyes with tears in them and replied ,


But Little did taehyung knows that promises are meant to be broken .

"Never I will not break my promise , I love you so much ." Said the alpha embracing taehyung in tight hug with promising tone .
"Now no more crying I can't see you crying baby you know that ,It hurts me ." Said jungkook while wiping tae's tears from his cheeks .

Taehyung smiles at the alpha and said he will cherish the gift always which made jungkook proud and nodded his head at the omegas words .

Jungkook peck on Taehyung's forehead and taehyung dragged the alpha towards his bed and made the alpha sit on the bed excitedly which the alpha complied smiling at the adorable excited omega who was now talking to him ," kookie hyung , iwant to tell you everything ."Said the omega excitedly . "Really ,ok tell me everything ." Said jungkook making the omega sit on his lap and listening to him talking ,telling everything when he was not here while staring at his beautiful omega's face adoring his face features . The omega was inhis own world not noticing the alphas eyes on him and talking excitedly.

You know alpha , my omega friend myong . He said while turning his head to look at the alpha who was just staring at him absent-mindly and seeing this omega blushed and called the alpha who blinked hearing Taehyung's call getting out of jis thoughts about the omega and see tae blushing ," Hummmm " Said alpha not knowing anything which made the omega pout and said ,"your not listening to me are you getting bored of my talks ." Said taehyung to jungkook thinking he might be making alpha bored inwhich the alpha respond ," no baby , I am not bored . I can never be and especially from your talks ." Said the alpha in assuring manner to the omega .

"You were not listening to me and spacing out also ." Said taehyung to the alpha in complaining tone ." I am sorry bear , iam just looking at my omegas this beautiful face and admiring him ". Said alpha in apologizing to him . And taehyung again blushed and shake his head saying " silly kookie hyung ". "Yes , yours only ." Said alpha smiling at taehyng Who whine at the alpha as well as blushing at the same time .

" Hyungggggg , listen na please ." Said whining to alpha . Who laughs taehyng's blushing cheeks and pulling his breadcheeks saying ," ok cutie . Tell me again . This time I will listen carefully ok ." Taehyung nodded and said ,"yes . Now listen to me hmmm . " Said taehyung in commanding tone. " Yes my prince . " taesing the omega who again whine to the alpha .

"Ok..ok ... tell me iam quite now . No more teasing hmmm "said alpha to not upsetting the omega who nodded and continued telling the alpha .

"So where I was, yaa hmm well you know my friend myong who go with me to school , he is also my classmate and you know.........." , the omega stops and turn his head to see if the alpha was listening and see him nodding at him in response which Make the omega smile and continue .also the alpha smile looking at the omega confirming if he was listening to him or not And heard him continuing again . " He told me that he gone with his brother and parents to seoul when there was our summer vacations . He said he enjoyed so much there he also gone to amusement parks where big big rides were there and he rides all of them . He said there people dress differently and there clothes are very nice . He show me his dresses which he bought from there and give me one saying he bought it for me as a gift but I tried to wear it don't know how to wear it he help me wear it and said it look beautiful on me. I want you to see it." Let me wear it hmm . One minute . Saying he run from getting up from the alphas lap towards the washroom to change it . Seeing omega excited jungkook laugh but also scared that living in seoul he might loose his innocent tae because he is so innocent and childish for that .he doesn't want to ruin it still he shrugged his bad fellings .

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