chapter 46

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Tae couldn't sleep even a little he was just sitting on the floor of his house living room holding his phone to chest so ,if eunwoo would call him he will pick up instantly....

He was so on thoughts that he didn't see his yoongi hyung standing near him .......

" he didn't pick up right ...... he made you fool . He did not love you if he did he would be here ....... with you .go get ready for your wedding"

Tae was startled at first but he didn't let his emotions make him week .

" I am not going to marry jungkook hyung ..."

" What ... what did you say ....... taehyung don't make me mad go get ready. " Said yoongi getting angry .

" I also told you I will not marry jungkook .... that it .... " said tae also shouting which made everyone to come outside from there rooms .

" taehyung you can't talk to yoongi hyung like that ...... " said jimin jumping in the argument .

" you don't interfere between me and my hyung's matter . Stay out of it ."

" first you disrespect me and now your talking to jimin rudely ..... "

" what about him hyung ,you guys never saw anyone's flaws but just me ..... why ... ha ... I have every right to chose whom I am going to marry ,you can't force me .... I am done with thinking about everyone , thinking about others happiness I will chose my own happiness . "

" really , if you want to have relations with us than your going to marry jungkook ...... if not then the door is open for you can leave from here and never show up again ...." said yoongi gritting his teeth .

" so choose between us or that alpha taehyung . "

" appa ,eomma ,Chan if you want to have relations with me you have to chose between me and tae . "

" After everything , him insulting jimin ...... when he doesn't even like jimin where jimin always try to fix everything between them ..... look at him disrespecting everyone....... so , If he live here I will not live here ."

Tae look at his parents who didn't said anything hearing this . It did hurt tae .... but he decided he will think about himself .

" you don't have to hyung ...... no one's going , you are there son while I am no one to anybody ........ I will leave from here .you don't have to see my face anymore. " Said tae looking at his hyung .

Tae slowly move backward take slow steps , looking at everyone ." Jimin , you know what you did ...... and trust me you will have to pay for everything ,for my every drop of tear . You all will..... regret ...... soon . "

Saying this tae turn and walk towards the front door crying and get out from the house ......

He was just walking out from his house premises when he saw lots of media standing around him asking questions ......and he couldn't control himself from crying .

In the house ,

" Hyung , it's not safe for him ..... there is lots of media around our house ... they will hurt him hyung ......"

Said Chan worried about his little brother that he started to go out too when ......

" if you go Chan you will see me dead ...... " Saying this yoongi left from there in his room ..... while Chan was there stund on his place .

While with tae , who was somehow got out from media's hold ...... now he is sitting near a bus stand ....not knowing where he should go . Tae saw his phone ringing he answer the call seeing his friend's name .

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