chapter 44

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whole day came to an end and after finished eating dinner everybody decided to go towards there rooms and guest rooms ,when mr Kim told yoongi that ....... the jeons will be staying with them till there wedding which yoongi thought strange what his appa decided .

Yoongi thought how can appa allow jungkook to be here when he knows tae will be effected by his present ......... but he chose to not say anything to his appa that time thinking he will talk to his appa alone after everyone go towards there room .

On other hand ,hearing his appa tae also was not prepared for this decision of his appa , but he shrugged thinking he don't care,yes it is awkward in some situations . What he care was that how jungkook was staring at him whole day trying to talk to him ....... after what happened in jeju .Tae decided he would not involved in this matter anymore and it's there appa's decision but the question will remain in his mind that why ....... .

Everyone go to there rooms and Chan look at yoongi which yoongi blinked in assurance ,he knows why Chan was looking worriedly towards them he assured him that he will talk to his appa about this ......

Yoongi stop his appa and told him that he wants to talk to him ....... which Mr Kim noded and they both go towards there home office to talk.

Mr Kim know why yoongi want to talk with him so he decided to tell everything what he and jungkook talk .......

" appa why did you decided suddenly them to stay here till marriage ..... you know it maybe uncomfortable for tae living here with him and seeing him everyday. "

" I know yoongi but ,I want to tell you something ......what me and jungkook talk . ...." said Mr Kim sitting on his office chair .


Tae was waiting for everyone to sleep so he can go out with eunwoo out ...who is waiting for him .

After waiting for sometime tae decided to sneak out from there . He quietly leave his room seeing light off and no one was there . He qitely go downstairs and open the front door to go outside seeing alpha sitting in the car ,who seeing tae out smile at him .

Tae sit in the car and eunwoo said ," I thought you would not come today ... "

" how can I not when you were waiting for me ..." tae said sweetly .

" I can wait for you forever ..." said eunwoo teasingly and which tae laughed at it . Then they drives the car from there but they didn't notice that there was someone who was watching them .

After one hour , eunwoo drop tae to his house and like always wait for him to enter his house . When he saw him enter his house he drives from there .

Tae enter inside his house quietly and close the front door ..... he go upstairs towards his room when he met with his appa who frowned seeing him .....

" from where are you coming from bear at this late ....." said Mr Kim in his cold tone .
Which startled tae .Tae got scared ....

" appa ...... me ...I ... was..." tae stutter in fear .

" he was with me Mr Kim. " someone said coming towards tae and Mr Kim.

Hearing the voice tae and Mr Kim look at the person only to see jungkook .

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