chapter 12

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While ,cleaning the mess or say making more mess both the omega were laughing and playing rather cleaning the room .

On the other side , a handsome looking alpha enter the living room and seeing the mess in every where he sigh and shake his head in disappointment and said .

" What is happening here " startling the two omega's .who look at the alpha with widen eyes, blinking them innocently that melt anyone's heart with their this innocent look . But the alpha knows anyway
"This place really looks like a huge disaster is happend here and what are you guys even doing ." Said the alpha .

Both omega's look each other and shout ,"CLEANING !" " what do you see hyung, obviously we are cleaning, see the trash bag."Said jimin .while the other omega nodding his head on what jimin is saying , stating that whatever jimin saying is really true .

" Really ", said alpha feeling unsure about it . " Ok , leave it where is jungkook . Is he is not home ?? " Asking question to know the whereabouts of the other alpha . Eyes roaming around the house ,not seeing him.

" Joon hyung , hyung is in his room , after scolding us". . Said baek with pout visible on his lips ." He scold you both , that it ". Said the alpha . While both omega's cutely nodding there heads . "He should be punishing you both .you both are becoming brats ,always making him mad and test his patience." Said the alpha again .which Make there eyes wide in shock and unbelieve .

"Joon hyung , how can you say that . Look we are so innocent and cute .SEE.........SEE!!." Said jimin while both omega's cup there face with there hands ,to show there cuteness to there joon hyung .

The alpha smile seeing there act of showing there cuteness. Suddenly a voice was heard and the alpha turned to look at the direction and see jungkook who is walking towards them .

"Joon hyung ,you here . When did you come " Said jungkook while coming towards the other alpha and standing next to him. The other alpha look at jungkook and smile ,and said ," just some minutes ago , But what is this ." Pointing at the two omega's, who panicked seeing the other alpha standing . Seeing this seen alpha joon laugh loudly and see how the both omega's got tensed .

" Oh ,nothing hyung they are just being Bratt ,there is nothing knew they always been like that ,you know right .look what they did to this room . " Said the alpha .

Both the omega's got worried thinking jungkook will scold them again , but they were in relief when they see there hyung mood is better now .

" That ,I know .anyways I want to talk to you about something." Said alpha joon .
" Ok hyung let's go to my home office and talk if it's urgent and serious. " Said jungkook.

"Oh ,no . It's not that serious kook". Said alpha joon .

"Ok ,then we will talk there . And you both ,it should be cleaned after I talk with hyung . Or you both will be grounded for whole weak with no phones , or anything ." Said the alpha with cold tone . While the other alpha who is enjoying the terrified faces of both omega's and try to control his laugh .

While the omega's widen there eyes and whine . " Hyung , please . Joon hyung tell na hyung to not do this .we are sorry ." said the omega jimin .

" I am out of this, Don't include me into this ."The alpha Act like Surrendering , causing the omega's to whine ,and said" meanie hyung" while stomping the foot and started cleaning with other omega .

The both alpha walk from there towards the office room to talk while smiling at the dramatic omega's .

They enter the room and sit on the chair . "So what is it hyung you want to talk about ." Said jungkook while giving serious look to his hyung ." Are you coming to Mr Choi's party. " Said the alpha ." Yes hyung , i just got inform about the party , I will be going ".said jungkook .

"Ok , did you know the Kim's brother are also invited ." Said the alpha . " I ,know hyung ,of course they would be coming they are the 2nd top company . How cannot Mr Choi not invited them, they will also benefitted by it and it bring more publicity and profit to the company ,so they will also come " . Said jungkook.

"And you are so relax about it , how? "Said the alpha. " Don't worry hyung ,I will not let them do anything ". Said jungkook to the alpha . " Ok, then we will go together. I will not take any risk, I will go now see you " . Said alpha standing from chair and going towards the office door to go outside .

The alpha left the office and jungkook think about how he will meet them both after so many years of what he did to them and their brother .

I am SO SORRY FOR WHAT I DID BABY . Said the alpha with tears lingering in his eyes ready to fall out at the remembering his love .

KIM NAMJOON ( joon ) ( alpha).

26 years old .
Cousin brother of jungkook.
Cold , rude and admire Cousin jungkook and both the omega's very much .
Possessive towards loved ones .
Love his only sister and mate very much .

Jungkook aunt Mrs Kim Snah and Mr Kim Taehun. They live in USA .

 They live in USA

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Next chapter soon .

Bye 👋.

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