chapter 36

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While dragging jimin ,baek wait for the door to close so that there conversation was not heard by anyone.

When baek was satisfied that now noone going listen to there conversation he looked at jimin angrily and jimin was shocked seeing baek this angry . It's first time jimin see baek this angry with him ,he saw him always calm and compose . But not now ,

" Jimin stop what you're doing right now . "

Jimin look at baek little confused and then said ,

" what do you mean by stop what you doing , i am doing anything . "

"Oh please jimin I know what you did, you manuplating yoongi hyung and made everyone blame tae for his bad behavior with you .your making him bad in everyone's eyes ,right this is what you want right . "

" What are you talking baek ,have you lost your mind somewhere .I didn't do anything . Ok ." Said jimin getting angry at the accusations thrown by his brother in attempt to not accept the truth .

" and what you saying I am manuplating yoongi hyung ,why would I do it . "

" Oh please jimin , I know you Damm well so drop this at of yours . You yourself know why your doing this . You're making these brothers suffer and making them against eachother . What happen to you ha!! Your not like this . You are just hurting tae just because of your insecurities I can fell and I can see it . "Said baek shouting on the other omega .

" what are you saying insecurities , what insecurities are you talking about ha.. ..... stop your nonsense baek , you know I ready to talk it out to him but what he did you saw right. Than how can you blame me ." Said jimin getting fake emotional to convince baek .

"Jimin ,I know you and I know what happened . I also saw how he was injured you were not . How you were smirking and he was badly crying . I also saw how you mouthed him those words . I saw everything and I also know the reason behind it. " baek said while looking at jimin and giving him firm look .

" so ,I am saying this to you as a warning .don't do anything or I am going to tell everything to hyung what you your doing .so stop it ok ."

Hearing baek jimin look at baek with hurt expression , " so now your taking side of your that bloody mates brother and accusing me . Hurting me with your words . Ok then . I will stay away from that bloody omega Ok. "

" good , and you hurting tae will also hurt my mate jimin and I won't appreciate that .so it's good if you stay away from him". Saying baek turned towards the door and enters in tae's room again leaving jimin alone there .

Who was cursing the omega , " I hate him baek ,I hate that bloody omega ,he is making you against me . We never fight and just because of him your accusing me . I have to do something to get rid of him . I am not going to tolerate him anymore . I am sorry baek but I will do what I have to do , but I will do it in a different way know . "

Jimin also enters the room seeing how to alpha Brothers still in same position and taking but there conversation were intruppted when they heard soft mumbling voice , everyone look towards tae who was sleeping .

" hyung !!!" Tae mumbled softly slowing opening his eyes and looking around when his eyes stop on his both hyungs looking at him worriedly .

Both chan and yoongi hurried stand up and ask tae if he is ok which he nodded with his head .

" Bear , are you feeling well now hmm......... ,tell hyung if you need something."said yoong softly .

Tae didn't look at him . " Chan hyung ,w......water..... please . "

Chan node and bring glass of water and give it to tae who drink it I'm one go ,like he was thirsty from Years . Seeing this it hurts yoongi that his little brother didn't even talk and see him .

So he softly said , " I know bear ,I am not good hyung but please don't ignore hyung like that . Hyung is sorry bear please. Look at hyung , please . " yoongi look at tae with tears filled eyes which was noticed by tae and he shake his head saying ,

" hyung is not bad please don't say this ....... " Hearing his yoomgi hyungs pleads tae also started crying and then yoongi hugged his little bear ,both started crying .

" group hug ,me too " Said Chan in his cheerful voice making everyone in the room chuckled at the alphas cuteness except the one omega who was glaring intensely towards tae in anger .

After sometime everyone was talking , baek and jimin went to there own rooms and Chan was also went with baek to drop him to his room .

Both the brothers were talking when yoongi said ,"bear I know it is difficult for you but believe me I know your strong you can do this , please leave everything behind at just try to give chance to jimin , please tae . He not that bad he will be good if you give him chance to be your friend. Ha ......bear will you do it just for hyung .....hmm ."

Tae noded his head " yes hyung I will try my best . " but tae internally did convince from his heart. But still he tried when he saw his yoongi hyung smiled .

" I never thought this vacation will go like this , so chaotic it is . I just want to go home as soon as possible . "

"Yeah hyung , I also didn't thought that this vacation will be so bad for us . I also want to go from here . "

With heavy sigh tae look at his hyung " thank God tomorrow's going to be our last day here . I am done here this made me more tired ."

"Yeah .... I glad too . Ok then take rest before going to the party tonight ,this is the main event you know right but ,only if you feel ok . If not then tell me or Chan someone from one of us will stay with you here hmm ."

"Don't worry hyung , when we attended every event then why not this to and I will be alright . U am just happy that after this I am going to sleep I my own room ,my own bed not this hotel when . It makes me sick ."

Seeing tae making weird face as a reaction of displeased towards the hotel made yoongi to laugh at his bears silliness as well as also found him cute .

After talking for some more yoongi give tae his medicine so he will be alright before the party , he tucked him in his bed and said him to take rest , while giving him a soft peck on his forehead and smile looking g at him .when he saw tae drifted his dreamland he slowly started to leave his room and switched off the light ,close the door of taes room securely. Then towards his own room .


Hope you like it .

Please Ignore mistakes .

Next chapter soon.

Bye 👋.

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