chapter 37

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Tae is getting ready for the party , he did thought of skipping the party but he is feeling well now so ,he decided to just be in party rather than being alone in the room .

He startled when he hear knock on his room door . He walk towards to open the door thinking who must be at the door ,he open the door to see his Chan hyung standing at the door infront of him .

Chan looked at tae with widened eyes , " bear what?? Why are you up from your bed your not well baby ." Chan make his way inside the room holding taes hand and making him sit on the bed , which made tae rolled his eyes at his hyung .

" hyung I am alright now and yoongi hyung said if I will feel well then I can attend the party and what will I do here alone I will feel bored here . " taehyung look at Chan with innocent pleading eyes to convinced is hyung .

" but....... ok fine . If you feel even little unwell then just tell me or yoongi hyung ,ok no you just promise me and after that you will listen to us ok."

Tae look at his unsure about the promise but he really want to go to the party so he anyway accept it and promised his hyung ," ok ,hyung promise .I will listen to you . Now happy . " Chan smile satisfied and node his head while agreeing with tae .

They both come down and ahead towards where the party was going on .while walking they both met with yoongi and jimin . Yoongi looked at his both brothers and smiled at them also walking towards them which made jimin rolled his eyes annoyed by the brothers affection .

Yoongi look at tae and smile towards him , " tae bear , are you feeling alright now . Did your fever reduce . " tae also smiled and said ," I am fine hyung and I don't have any fever now . "

" You looking beautiful bear , but don't you think it's to reveling around your shoulders and you will get cold especially when your already is not well . Hmm .... " said yoongi covering tae's shoulders .

" Oh, here we go again . " Chan said in whisperd tone . " hyung not now ,please . Let's enjoy the party yea.. ..... " tae whined like a child to make him agree ,which in return he got the node from his yoongi hyung .

Everyone leave from there to walk towards the party hall but yoongi turn around to see jimin and did not find him there ,he sighed and enters the party.

While the three brothers entered the party ,everyone was looking at them stunned because of the aura they were emitting was just elegance and rich .

But tae was annoyed by his yoongi hyung ,who was subtly trying to covered taes shoulders, which made everyone in the party awwed at the brother's but only Chan knows how his omega brother is annoyed by this which made it impossible for him to control his laugh seeing the expression of annoyance on his little omega brother .

Tae glared at him who was trying hard to control his laugh . There unspoken banter intruppted when some people came to yoongi to greet him which changed his attention from tae to the others .

Tae grab the opportunity to leave from there without noticing his yoongi hyung . Tae roam around the hall sometimes smiling and talking to people who would greet him , but he knows the truth it's because he is a model and famous that why they are talking with him and once he turned they would do bitching about him .

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