chapter 45

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Next day ,tae again meet the alpha only to told him that they can't meet for few days till his hyugs wedding . That everyone now sleep late at night might be chances of him getting caught by his hyung .eunwoo understand and they decided to stop there meetings at nights.

On the other hand jimin saw tae sneaking like always through his room window , " enjoy as much as you want after this night your only going to cry ......... " Saying this jimin message someone on his phone .

Next morning ,

Everything was normal , everyone eat together . Tae teases his hyungs ... . It's feel like everything is peaceful . Whole day he hopped around his eomma and baek hyung who always help Mrs Kim in kitchen . They make different dishes and enjoy talking .

They even go shopping together when his hyungs and appa was not home ,they leave early for there office . So they had fun .

At noon tae's whole attention was on his phone , today whole day eunwoo didn't call him or leave him any messages..... so he was a little sad.

At night too ,he was waiting for any messages but he didn't got any so he pout a little but then think he might be busy with his work .

" how much busy are you that you can't can't even dropped a message.... " He was writing the message but stop before clicking it . He doesn't want to look desperate for the alphas attention .

Tae decided to switch off his phone , and drifted to his dreamland... not knowing a huge storms is directed towards him.


Tae wake up late and couldn't join everyone for the breakfast and everyone went to there jobs . Which made him do Breakfast alone even his eomma , baek was home but still they couldn't join him for breakfast because they already did it .

And now he was getting bored baek was looking different today, he was not that happy and intact he was looking gloomy but he shrugged and started thinking about the alpha ,that should he just call him or not when he hard a loud noise like " bang !!! "

Seeing a very furious yoongi slaming the door open coming towards him . Everyone present in living room was startled at the noise and look at yoongi .

" yoongi ... hyung what happened ." Tae said seeing Chan , jungkook and Mr Kim coming from behind yoongi .

" what happened !! What is this taehyung ...." said yoongi shouting at tae and forwarding his phone towards him.

Tae flinched hard and take the phone from him seeing his pictures with eunwoo and its not so normal pictures ......they were very intimate pictures of him and eunwoo . There were also some pictures of both them when they both go to the lake for seeing the stars ..... but how could this happened . There was noone there.......

Tae looked at the pictures shocked ..... there was also a vedio of both them being intimate which was attached after pictures.

He shiverd seeing the vedio this is fake it never happened .....

He look at yoongi and said " hyung this is fake it's not true . Please hyung belive me . "

Seeing tae like this Mrs Kim take the mobile from his hands and saw everything . She almost fainted seeing this .so Chan hold her and made her sit on the couch .

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