chapter 23

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The whole day taehyung was sleeping ,he was traumatized and tired after everything happened with him , upon everything the alpha voice which was use on him makes his omega extremely weak and sad .

Next day also he was just in his room afraid of any loud noise . Whole day he was sitting near the window watching outside lost in his own thoughts . Chan also came to talk to him but he refuse to open the door saying he wants to rest and the whole day end like that him sitting near the window .

Next day morning he didn't sleep because he couldn't sleep so he decided to talk to his parents and run back to them to seoul. So he called his parents and asked them to arranged his return tickets for returning to seoul that he want to come back home ,that he missed them . His parents got a little hint of panic in his voice and asked him to talk to yoongi but he denied and said they have to stay here for work and they can't come with him so , arranged his only tickets . His parents understood that something was wrong but they didn't show him anything and said they will do it right away and cut the call with bye and take care.

Taehyung felt relieved and started packing his bag or say just throwing his clothes in his bag .

On the other hand there parents talk to yoongi and tell him everything . Yoongi didn't tell them everything and said that he will check on him . His parents think Taehyung might be panicked due to jungkook present there . So they were relieved when yoongi send he will talk to taehyung and they don't need to worried about him .

Yoongi told everything to chan and they both ran towards taehyung room . Yoongi banged on his room door which Make the omega flinched and scared . He didn't go to open the door . Then Chan said to yoong ,"hyung let me try ,he must scared of opening the door . Let me talk to him." Yoongi let him talk to the omega . Chan talk to the omega and said , "tae bear . Open the door it's me Chan hyung . "Hearing Chan's voice the omega open the door and see his both hyung standing there . Yoongi look around the room see the bag on the omegas bed , saying "what is wrong tae ,why are you leaving from hear and asking mom dad to arranged the tickets . " Chan hugged taehyung and tae started crying saying he can't be hear anymore he wants to go back home .

Chan decides to talk to the omega and convince him to stay saying if he go from here like this his parents got worried about them . Which worked and tae was convinced of not going back home .

After talking little or say Chan and tae talking with each other they go from there when omega said he wants to sleep .

They were in elevator and yoongi wants to talk to Chan but chan ignored him and left in a different direction .

After a little rest , taehyung get up to charge his phone when he see that charging pints are not working . He go outside of his room to talk to his hyung if he can use his charger and charge his phone in there room . He go outside to find chan' s room number whem he see jungkook coming towrds his way . His furious eyes flashed again infront of taehyung from the previous incident and he started taking steps backwards .

He was walking backwards when he his back bumped into something hard , he insta tly turned around closing his eyes afraid of jungkook walking towards him that he didnt notice that who was the person which he was using to hide his face into his chest . He asked politely in mere whispers , "is he gone ??" eyes still closed . The person who was admiring the omegas face starlted and look behind the omega and said , "there's no one here . " taehyung open his eyes slowly and see he was the same alpha whom he met in elevator and relaised he was too close to the alpha and step backwards a little but again stumbled , and alpha hold his waist to help him.

Taehyung blushed at the hold of the alpha, and the other side alphas eyes never left the omegas face . He was remembering the whole fine details of the omegas face and notice the bruised lip and fingers print on the omega's soft delicate cheek .he lift his other hand which was not holding the omega and softly creases his face and bruised lip , the omega look at the alpha eyes which were admiring him and looking at him affectionately while creasing his cheek and bruised lip , that he winced in pain which Make the alphas eyes more soft almost indicating and showing the hurt the omega must felt . Both stare at each others eyes , and startled when a loud voice of something interrupted them . He lifted the omega to stand properly.

The alpha cough and omega flustered blushed not looking at each other properly . Then the alpha asked him , " what happened to you face . " the alpha got sting in his heart seeing the pout of the omega who said " nothing ". The alpha again asked ,"did someone hurt you haa ?? That alpha ,did he hurt you ?? . The one you were talking ." The omega widen his eyes in shocked that the alpha still remembered it . But he shake his head and said ,"I don't want talk about it . " With little pout lurking on his lips .

The alpha frown and said "then why were you running and hiding hmmm." The omega Said ," I said na don't want to talk about it .I want to go somewhere and my phone was not charged ,my room charge point is not working ,so I thought to ask my hyungs for help and then ask them come with me somewhere. But I can't now they are busy ,I don't know there room number . So that's why." Said omega adorable in small voice while head ducking downwards.

The alpha hold omegas wrists and drag him towards hotel's entrance . The alpha saw look of fear in omega and stop ,said . "I will help you come and take you somewhere nice ." The omega still little hesitant about it .so the alpha said again ," don't worry I will not take advantage of you . If I do then you see my face you can do anything ok . If your sacred hmm.: The omega look at the alpha and said ,"who said I am scared of you haa . I know you can't hurt me and I'd you do you see my nails I will scratch your face hard and no omega will marry you . " trying to look confident in front of the alpha . Who know the exactly that the omega was scared so he said ,"ok . We will see that . " and with teasing smile walk towards his car and omega got scared but still followed him to the car saying ,"yeaaa what do you mean by that haaa . Stop teasing me Mr annoying cutie alpha . " the driver open the car and the alpha help the omega sit in the passenger seat and goes towards the driver seat .

The alpha drived the car out of the hotel area , he was driving silently when a idea popped in his brain to tease the omega he look towards the omega and said in weird tone , " now I can do whatever I want ." With weird smile and Internslly laughed seeing the omega's scared expression , but he got shocked Hearing omega's sniffing and look at him seeing him crying and stop the car in panic making the omega more scared ,the omega started loudly crying and the trying to stop him. When the omega didn't he hold the omegas waist and pulled him towards himself and said in serious tone , " I was just teasing you .stop , stop crying . " and the omega who was stilled in the alpha's hold stopped crying heating it and said ,"you were teasing me . Hmmm . With again pouting . " the alpha laughed seeing the expression of the omega who look at him annoyed , and the alpha said , "what did you said at the hotel , that you will protect yourself that is how you will protect yourself like crying" said alpha again laughing . He laughter turned into shout of hurt when taehyung bite the alphas biceps for taking his revenge and said ," this is my revenge . Don't tease me again ok . " yaaaaa are you a tiger . show me your teeth how much flesh of mine you take with you dangerous teeth . " Said alpha rubbing his biceps dramatically . "You want to tease more haa ".said the omega trying to act as biting the alpha again and both started laughing together .

"You look beautiful while laughing " . Said the alpha seeing the omega admiring ,affectionately with soft eyes looking at the omegas face . The omega blushed hearing it . We should go . Said the omega flattered by the alphas compliment and stared and the alpha nodded his head and start driving .


Hope you like it .

Ignore mistakes please .

Bye 👋.

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