chapter 21

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In Taehyung's hotel room ,

Taehyung wake up , seeing the room light up with the light coming from the window making the room cozy and calm , he doesn't want to get up from the bed but he was hungry . He skipped his whole day meal tomorrow so he don't want to do that now .

He get up take a shower to go in the dinning lounge where breakfast is serving ,he want eat in his room but he knows he can't eat his breakfast alone and he would eventually skipped the breakfast so , he think it's better to go and eat with people around then alone in the room . He dressed up beautifully like always .

He sit on a table where there is no one , around the window to admire the view . He order his breakfast and was waiting for it to come . He started scrolling his phone and he thought of taking a picture of the view because it's looking so beautiful, while he was taking pictures of the view his order came and he slide the phone on the table and started eating .

On the other hand yoongi and Chan come with there mates for breakfast and other was also with them . They were looking for empty table for sitting and eating Breakfast when Chan notice taehyung eating alone . He wants to go to him and signal yoongi to sit with taehyung ,they were about to go when jimin whine saying ,"everyone is there hyung why are you going there .come look everyone is waiting. " yoongi said , "but jimin taehyung is there I need to talk to him . " Then jimin said ," hyung you can go after breakfast ,to talk to him . Look everyone is looking at us and waiting for us to eat with them ." Ok , then . Said yoongi with little nod of his head and Chan see him expectantly and said, " hyung but tae ........" yoongi said ,"it's just for breakfast after that we will talk to him . "

Chan sighed and baekhyun see it and said,"I don't mind if you want to have breakfast with him ,if you are worried I can come with you but I don't know if he likes me ." Chan smile to his mate and said, "it's ok ,we will talk to him after breakfast . And thank you for worrying about us ."
Baekhyun smile and said ,"of course you are my mate ,I will always be worried for you ." Chan heart melt hearing the omega's words .

On the other hand ,tae was having his breakfast when he saw everyone including his hyungs with there mates ,he suddenly developed a tiny hope that his hyungs will sir with him but he felt hurt when they go towards different table eating with everyone else . He lost his appetite there but he still seated there against his will In his thought when he saw everyone laughing and eating enjoying there breakfast ,he saw the alpha who was his so cold mate sitting and smiling God knows on what but what he notice more was the girl sitting beside him ,how she was so casually sitting with him and being so touchy he really feel he would throw up there so he divert his eyes ,he is hurt but he didn't want anyone to see it .

He really needs a warm drink now so he was ready to order a drink when he saw his both hyungs coming towards him and taking his seat infront of him and yoongi said ,"did you have your breakfast tae . " but tae didn't hear anything and get up to leave the table saying , "I don't think it's your right place hyungs you both should not be here . I think you forget where you sit earlier. " Saying this he leave them guilty and shocked that he didn't even hear him .

Taehyung get out from the lounge hurriedly so he will not become week again but again he bumped into someone . He was irritatedly said "what is wrong with people's eyes in the early morning can't you see , walking person ." He look up but got shocked when he see that alpha he see in the elevator. The alpha look at him intimidatedly and the omega got scared for some seconds . The alpha said , "you again omega , now which alpha hurt you that you are running from. " taehyung glare at him cutely and said ,Mr I am Not running from any alpha , he lied because he was running from his alpha hyung . So,the alpha chuckle and said , ok ,that's good . Bythe way are you alright now . You look good to me today . Then the omega look at him with soft look and eyes saying , "yes iam alright and thank you for tomorrow . " the alpha nod and said, " then give me my handkerchief back ." The omega look at him shocked even alphas bodyguards look shocked with the alphas demand ,so the omega said ,"hmm !! . "and alpha again said" that I give you when you were crying to wipe your tears and snot ,"the alpha said controlling his laugh and teasing the omega . The omega look embarrassed and said , "oh, i will give
You back once i wash it . You don't have to embarrassed me like that ". The alpha
Laugh loudly seeing the omegas cheeks getting bright red from embarrassment.

Then the omega understand that the alpha was teasing him .and said or say whine to alpha, "yaa why are you teasing me Mr. Hmm don't you know it's bad manners. " "who said iam teasing you ,iam serious ."said the alpha again. Ok, I will give you your handkerchief ,such a big man you are and crying for a handkerchief . So childish . The alpha look at him in disbelieve and said ," how do you know I am big .hmmm . I might rented everything hmm." Said to the omega jokingly . "Are you serious you think I am fool ,I know that much ok . I will give you your handkerchief when I meet you next time ok ,good ." "Ok ,then you will meet me again right , may be you will forget because you also look big too. Said the alpha in childish time looking at the omega and the omega said ," No, way kim taehyung never forgets anything . "

"Ok deal then ,you will meet me then ok . Said the alpha to the omega who adorably nodded his head indicating yes . " So Kim taehyung I will meet you soon . " Said the alpha again in sealing the deal manner with taking his right hand for handshake , and the omega shake his hand with him and said deal . Then omega said ," ok then bye ."to the alpha who responded him smiling but nodding his head a little before again getting his cold aura and walk from there .

While walking he heard omega speaking to him ," Mr you were right may be you are not like the other alphas ,but you are Mr annoying cutie alpha ". the omega said and run from there leaving the alpha smiling and flustered . The alpha shake his head and said" silly, adorable omega . "

The bodyguards was still in shock how there alpha was smiling with omega when he has a sour mood from the very beginning of the day and they didn't unnoticed how the omega called him annoying but he was still smiling .they were happy they saw there boss smiling at the adorable omega .

Taehyung left from there smiling widely .he decided he would go for shopping. So he talk to his driver for taking him to mall for shopping.


Hope you like it .

Please ignore mistakes .

Bye 👋.

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