chapter 42

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A beautiful female omega was sitting in her office doing her work peacefully . When she heard her office door opened with loud noise which startled the poor omega and also angered at the person who disrespect her and entered her office without her permission .

She looked at the person and see it was , jimin . Her angered toned down a bit . She smiled at jimin.

" jimin , what happened . Why are you here."

Hearing Amy's calm voice was angered him more than he was angry when he entered Amy's office to talk to her .

So he decided to ignore the question Amy ask , and started lashing out his anger on her .

" noona ..... you said there is 100 percent chances that I will be assigned for Mr cha's company project ..... . Then how didn't I get it...... noona . How !!."

Hearing rage in jimin's eyes and in his tone Amy was shocked ,she never see jimin this much angry . He was being rude to her which Amy didn't like and also she didn't like how disrespectful jimin behave with her .

" jimin , calm down . I did said that because that time I didn't knew about taehyung being in there list. "

" what !! You told me noona ,that you would pull your connection to get me that project .than how did that Kim taehyung get it noona . Did you not talk to them about me ... noona" Said jimin shouting in rage at her .

" Don't, shout jimin . Don't forget I am your noona and I did talk to them about you .... but they have seen Taehyung's work ,he have more experience than you in this industry even he is younger than you and you are just a new Comer here in this industry and I won't tolerate your disrespect towards me ....."

Jimin widen his eyes when he see he did a mistake in getting out his emotions and not controlling it well . So to mask the mistake he started his act of being sad and upset .......

" I am sorry noona ..... I didn't mean to disrespect you ...please I am sorry. That was not my intention .....I am sorry . I just I was upset that ,I will get the this project and my career will take a new turn . " He said while wiping fake tears which was not even there in the first place in his eyes .

" I was such happy ,noona that if I got this opportunity than i will work hard on it and make you ,hyung and everyone proud but when I didn't get it I was dishearted and couldn't control my sadness which turn into anger I didn't know .

Jimin looked at Amy and said while emotionally manuplating her .which Amy melted easily seeing sadness in jimin's eyes .the anger in her eyes was gone .

" I can understand jimin ,that it really upset you but don't be dishearted ,you might get better opportunities in future jimin . "

Jimin shake his head saying ," I desperately want to work with Mr Cha's company noona . But I couldn't now , I am just sad that just because of not enough experience they didn't give chance to me . "

Amy walk towards him and made jimin sat on her office couch , " jimin please don't make yourself feel bad , maybe there might be a big opportunity waiting for you in future and in this industry not everytime you win you would face loss some time . So just do hardwork and one day you will achieve what you want ok . "

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