chapter 35

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Chan after calling for doctor started calling yoongi to tell him the condition of tae .

He called yoongi ..................................


Yoongi was with jimin and all other went to there on rooms . After coming from tae's room jimin being clingy to him to show yoongi that how much tae's behavior affected him .

They both were lying on the bed and yoongi get up to go to washroom which made jimin to look at him and hold his hand in attempt to make him stop from going anywhere which now frustrated yoongi .

Yoongi tsked and looked at jimin saying , " I am just going to bathroom jimin . "

" Oh I thought your going to leave me hear alone . " Said jimin while pouting .

" Jimin whole day I was with you and you not hurt physically anywhere . Why would I leave you so please , stop it . " Said yoongi frustrated.

Yoongi leave from there to use washroom. Jimin rolled his eyes and then suddenly jimin heard phone ringing , jimin take the phone from bedside table and see it's yoongis phone but squint his eyes seeing chn calling yoongi .

Jimin rolled his eyes thinking " now what did he want . Should I cut it he might emotional blackmail yoongi to see that tae . I will not let him do it ."

When jimin tried to declined the call yoongi come out from washroom hearing his phone ringing . He saw jimin holding his phone which was ringing continuously. So he come towards him and said " why are just staring at the phone . Who is calling me ." Said yoongi .

Jimin panicked but calm himself but cannot say anything to yoongi so yoongi took his phone from jimin's hands to see Chan calling him . He saw confused at his phone but anyways answer the call hearing Chan's panicked voice ,

" hyung ...... yoongi hyung tae....... Tae is not well. Please come to taes room . " Said Chan through call and before yoongi could ask something to him Chan cut the call leaving yoongi worried.

Yoongi worriedly try to turn and leave the room hurriedly seeing yoongi like this jimin hold his hand and again stop him saying where he is going ,he said that he is going to tae's room because Chan told him that tae is not well .

Jimin widen his eyes and said " but he was alright do you have to go right now . I am sure it was not that serious . "

Yoongi frowned hearing jimin's words and he didn't like it ,so he said . "He was not well jimin and what do you mean that I have to go right ofcourse I would go for no matter how upset I am with him I do not wish bad for him and even if it's serious or not if it's your brother I am sure you would go there too so don't ever say this again . Now leave me ."

Jimin widen his eyes and said in panic, " I didn't mean to say this your misunderstood me. If you want to go you go , I will also come with you. " and yoongi noded yo this .

They both go towards tae's room .


Doctor was checking tae and Chan, baek both looking at the fragile omega lying on the bed checked by the doctor .

" it's everything alright doctor " Said Chan in worried tone . The doctor nod and said, " just a high fever and weakness due to it .it Might be due to not taking proper rest .don't worry I give him shots to reduce the fever . Take him proper rest for sometime and this some medicines please do give him after he wake up and eat something ."

Chan noded and said thank you to the doctor and then the doctor leave the room .

Chan see doctor going out of the room and also see yoongi standing at the door with jimin behind.

Yoongi enter the room and go towards tae sitting beside him who was sleeping under the dose of medicine .

Yoongi creases tae's cheeks and then place his hand on his head to give a light peck on his forehead and tears roll down from his eyes remembering how he behaved with his bear . Chan go towards yoongi and place his hand on his shoulder try to consol yoongi .

" it's ok hyung. It's....ok . He...he is alright now . He will be alright and healthy again don't worry. " Said Chan while also crying. Yoongi look at him and hugged him tightly saying.

It's all because of me I shouldn't talk to him like that . How can I talk to him rudely Chan. You know Chan I didn't mean to hurt him Chan it was not my intention to hurt him .said yoongi crying while still hugging Chan tightly.

Where as baek who was looking at both the brothers bond and care for there little omega made him tear up too. While jimin who was looking at them internally rolling his eyes thinking " what drama is this ."

" no .. hyung don't blame yourself you didn't do anything . You know tae he will never think anything bad about us . You know he will feel bad seeing us cry so just stop crying hmm . For tae hyung you know na he is our ........." said Chan making yoongi laugh .

" Baby . I know . Thank you Chan. I will talk to tae and apologize to him also for everything . I will make him understanding everything but calmly ." Said yoongi .

Hearing yoongi jimin widen his eyes he didn't thought that a tough alpha like yoongi would be this soft for someone. He looked at tae who was sleeping on the bed with his angry eyes , and make a fist to control his anger which was not unnoticed by baek .

Baek look at jimin and see his reaction he couldn't control himself and hold jimin from his fore arm ,then dragged him outside without both brothers noticing them.

Baek dragged jimi outside taes room and close the door quietly so that it didn't alert the others . Baek look at jimin angrily and said ,

" stop whatever you're trying to do jimin . Your hurting him ......................." said baek angery .


Hope you like it.

Please ignore mistakes.

Bye 👋.

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