chapter 33

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After the incident ,I got to know about Chan hyung that appa decided to leave from there and we settled in seoul because of appas company , which need a lot attention from appa .

After leaving the village appa decided to sell the house also in which we were living from our childhood . It was heart ranching but appa decided that we will not come back there so after selling the house and land we own in the village we moved to seoul ad with that money we bought are first home in the big city ,it was not that big like our previous house in village but yoongi hyung said that it's better than nothing because it's tough to get an owned house in here . Appa's company is not that big to by us about house for now ,but I believe it will get sooner one of the best one.

I know we moved from there but in our heart we will always keep that house in our memories ,it has lots of sweet memories of ours there as well as bitter too but ,who want to remember bitter things so iam going to keep sweet memories in my heart .
Even appa sometimes get sad thinking about our old house there but he said he is happy that his family is with him.

It made me sad too that they have to leave everything just because of me ........

And me ,I was terrified with that incident that I started flinching even the touch of my family members ,loud noises started to made me scared . It got so worse that I stopped going outside of my room .

Then one day i was sitting in my room looking outside the window towards the sky which was looking do clear and beautiful the I heard knock on my door which startled me for sometime but when I saw yoongi hyung getting in the room ,I was relaxed and look at hyung .

Yoonhi hyung sit beside me and started patting my head softly, which filled a different kind of warmth in my heart ,like after so many years It's feels like iam not alone anymore .I don't know why I always started to cry but that time too my eyes started to get watery and after few minutes that Damm tears started to roll down from my eyes and hyung hugged me tightly.

I cried so much after that incident infront of someone , because in alone I cried alot every night after that incident but not infront of anyone and it started make feel like I am burden on my family and now this hug from hyung made me feel like I am not alone .

After that incident when hyung saw me like that I tried everything to avoid meeting eyes with hyung ,I just couldn't help my self to do that and hyung was also get busy with helping appa settling everything.

But he never forget to check on me every night whenever I was sleeping and he came late tired to my room just to check if iam alright and not having nightmares of that day . After checking on me and pecking on my forehead tucking me more in the comforter he would quietly leave from the room to his own .

I just cried and cried in his chest while hugging him tightly which he didn't stop me and let me cried ,to went my all aggression, pain and fear . So that it will help me move forward and help me forget it .

After crying so much , I feel light like a huge rock lifted from my heart and heard hyung saying something to me ,

" Done ........ now , listen . You're not going to get this to your self always you have to let it go be it that day or be it about your mate . Hmmm . " he said and I just nodded my head .

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